Use of need and dare by Alok Pandey

Published: Feb. 4, 2021, 2:31 a.m.

b'It has other names like a semi or marginal model.\\n\\nIt becomes significant to know the use of need and dare model verbs. Since these two verbs have two different attributes, one model and another main verb.\\n\\n\\ufffc\\n\\nUse of need\\n\\nAs we know that need is a semi-model verb, since it plays both roles, as a model or a main verb.\\n\\nGenerally, we use \\u201cneed\\u201d to form a negative sentence, since using it as an affirmative look uncommon.\\n\\nYou\\xa0needn\\u2019t\\xa0take off your shoes. (negative)\\n\\nYou\\xa0need\\xa0take off your shoes. (affirmative)\\n\\nYou\\xa0need\\xa0go there. (as a model)\\n\\nYou\\xa0need\\xa0to go there. (as a main verb)\\n\\nHe\\xa0need\\xa0talk to me. (as a model)\\n\\nHe\\xa0needs\\xa0to talk to me. (as a main verb)\\n\\nYou\\xa0need\\xa0not go there. (as a model)\\n\\nYou don\\u2019t\\xa0need\\xa0to go there. (as a main verb)\\n\\nNeed\\xa0we write it down? (as a model)\\n\\nDo we\\xa0need\\xa0to write it down? (as a main verb)\\n\\nYou\\xa0needn\\u2019t\\xa0have waited for me. (You waited for me, but it wasn\\u2019t necessary.)\\n\\nI didn\\u2019t\\xa0need\\xa0to buy any books. (main verb)\\n\\nRemember that main verb need is followed by to, and it changes with person, number and tense (I, you, we, they need to; she, he, it needs to; I, you, she, he, it, we, they needed to).\\n\\nUse of dare.\\n\\nAs we know that dare is a semi-model verb, since it plays both roles, as a model or a main verb.\\n\\nDare meaning as challenge somebody.\\n\\nGo on, I dare you.\\n\\nSome snakes can bite, but I dare you to hold this big snake.\\n\\nDare meaning as \\u2018to be brave enough or rude enough to do something\\u2019.\\n\\nIf Sally dares (to) go there again, she\\u2019ll be in big trouble! (ordinary verb)\\n\\nHe doesn\\u2019t dare (to) go there. (as a main verb)\\n\\nNo one dares (to) go there. (as a main verb)\\n\\nNo one dare go there. (semi-modal verb)\\n\\nDoes anyone dare (to) go there? (as a main verb)\\n\\nDare anyone go there? (semi-modal verb)\\n\\nDoesn\\u2019t he dare (to) go there? (as a main verb)\\n\\nDaren\\u2019t he go there? (semi-modal verb)\\n\\nTypical error\\nWe don\\u2019t use the infinitive with to after semi-modal dare in the expression How dare you:\\n\\nHow dare you suggest she was lazy!\\n\\nNot:\\xa0How dare you to suggest\\u2026\\n\\nMust read these important topics.\\n\\nWhat is a verb?\\n\\nNon-finite verb infinitive.\\n\\nGerund verb.\\n\\nParticiple grammar.\\n\\nModel verb.\\n\\nUse of could.\\n\\nWould.\\n\\nShould.\\n\\nMay and might.\\n\\nMust.\\n\\nUsed to.\\n\\nLinking verb.\\n\\nTransitive and intransitive verb.\\n\\nPrimary verb.\\n\\nRegular and irregular verb.\\n\\nCausative verb\\n\\nWill and shall.\\n\\nUse of other, others, and another.'