Use of Must by Alok Pandey.

Published: Jan. 30, 2021, 1:38 a.m.

b'We use it to sense necessary or very important.\\n\\nThus, if one needs to fuel one\\u2019s English communication skills. The use of the must model verb must learn. Each pitch and persuasive point includes significant elements. Therefore, crafting with these significant elements becomes vital.\\n\\n\\ufffc\\n\\n\\u2018Must\\u2019 shows necessity.\\n\\nFor instance, If you work in an office. If your manager gives some work, and he says:\\n\\n1-\\xa0You\\xa0should\\xa0do this work\\u2013 It means it\\u2019s your obligation to do, and you may do that work as you wish. Like the next day or day after tomorrow.\\n\\n2-\\xa0You\\xa0ought\\xa0to do this work\\u2013 It means it\\u2019s your responsibility. And it depends on your mood and time.\\n\\n3-\\xa0You\\xa0must\\xa0do this work\\u2013 Certainly, here the word \\u2018must\\u2018 senses the urgency or necessity of the work. You have to work it on the first priority.\\n\\nThus, we understood that the use of \\u2018must\\u2019 comes for necessity or importance.\\n\\nOn the flip side, if one doesn\\u2019t understand the use of must model verb. He or she will not consider the given work on priority, and it may take him or her in a trouble.\\n\\nFor some examples,\\n\\nYou must cook the meat thoroughly.\\n\\nI must get some sleep.\\n\\nYou mustn\\u2019t show this letter to anyone else.\\n\\nJohan must not leave the luggage unattended\\n\\nI must phone my sister.\\n\\nWe must get someone to fix that wheel.\\n\\nIf you live in the country a car is a must.\\n\\nWe use of must model verb to show that something is very likely, probable, or certain to be true:\\n\\nThey must be going to celebrate the 1st of January.\\n\\nThere\\u2019s no food left \\u2013 we must have eaten it all.\\n\\nShe must be waiting for us.\\n\\n\\u201cYou must know Frank.\\u201d \\u201cNo, I don\\u2019t.\\u201d\\n\\nHe must be studying hard to score good marks.\\n\\nYou must be going to the gym.\\n\\nHe must be earning a lot of money by blogging.\\n\\nShe must be mad!\\n\\nYou must be joking!\\n\\nThere must be some mistake.\\n\\nMr. Robertson is here; it must be Tuesday.\\n\\nMust learn these topics.\\n\\nNon-finite verb infinitive.\\n\\nGerund verb.\\n\\nParticiple grammar.\\n\\nModel verb.\\n\\nUse of could.\\n\\nWould.\\n\\nShould.\\n\\nMay and might.\\n\\nMust.\\n\\nUsed to.\\n\\nTransitive and intransitive verb.\\n\\nPrimary verb.\\n\\nRegular and irregular verb.\\n\\nWill and shall.\\n\\nUse of other, others, and another.\\n\\nHow to learn to speak English quickly?\\n\\nHow to pronounce correctly?\\n\\nCommon Errors in English.'