Use of Could by Alok Pandey

Published: Jan. 24, 2021, 11:17 a.m.

b'Could plays different roles.\\n\\nWhen we compose to reveal our thought, thereafter the first idea strikes in our minds. The message should be polite, lucid, and formal. Use of could becomes our first choice. So, these kinds of characters fuel us. Thus using polite and lucid you deliver a compelling statement. Since it is a series of the verb, hence to reap more value. You must see these fragments.\\n\\nWhat is a verb\\n\\nNon-finite verb\\n\\nGerund verb\\n\\nParticiple grammar\\n\\nModel auxiliary verb -can\\n\\nThereby moving further, I would like to put the demonstration of the series graph.\\n\\n\\ufffc\\n\\nUse of could\\n\\n\\ufffc\\n\\nThereafter we may realize that the use of could has a wide range. If we are composing ourselves to a compelling conversation. Without it, we can miss the effective impression. It is armed with many purposes. Let us now understand with some examples.\\n\\nOne mistake and one can lose the great opportunity\\n\\nYour identity is your communication skills. Sometimes you don\\u2019t know but do a blunder. A great example that demonstrates the use of could. For permission, one needs to use could. Because of simple mistakes, one can be rejected. This man only did a small mistake and lost the opportunity.\\n\\n\\ufffcOnly saying the word \\u201ccan\\u201d in place of the word could, deprived him of a great opportunity.\\n\\nLet us have some more examples.\\n\\nCould you come and see me tomorrow?\\n\\nWho could forget his speech at last year\\u2019s party?\\n\\nI could just eat a little something.\\n\\nCould you serve this gentleman please, Miss Bath?\\n\\nI was ill and therefore could not come.\\n\\nI wish I could help you, but I can\\u2019t.\\n\\nCould you wear a mask?\\n\\nCould I have some more coffee?\\n\\nBefore I could protest, I was handcuffed and was on my way to prison.\\n\\nCould you tell me the way to the port?\\n\\nCould I please have some water?\\n\\nMust read these important topics.\\n\\nNon-finite verb infinitive.\\n\\nGerund verb.\\n\\nParticiple grammar.\\n\\nModel verb.\\n\\nUse of could.\\n\\nWould.\\n\\nShould.\\n\\nMay and might.\\n\\nMust.\\n\\nUsed to.\\n\\nTransitive and intransitive verb.\\n\\nPrimary verb.\\n\\nRegular and irregular verb.\\n\\nWill and shall.\\n\\nUse of other, others, and another.'