Model verb (Can) by Alok Pandey

Published: Jan. 24, 2021, 4:15 a.m.

b'Why model verb is used.\\n\\nIn English, there are varieties of rules and verbs. Each verb except the Model auxiliary verb appears with a specific sense. Those demonstrate a definite event. But here the word \\u201cmodel\\u201d (Model auxiliary verb) plays a vital role.\\n\\nWhen a speaker wants to reveal his or her mood. Nobody knows what will he say. It depends on his mood, and he reveals accordingly.\\n\\nDefinition of a model verb.\\n\\nSo, the definition of a model verb is obvious now. Thus the model verb is used to reveal the mood of the speaker. Hence after a model verb, the base form of the verb appears.\\n\\nFurthermore, taking the series of the topic ahead. I would like to insist you to read all the verb in details. For all the series kindly follow these links.\\n\\nWhat is a verb\\n\\nNon-finite verb\\n\\nGerund verb\\n\\nParticiple grammar.\\n\\nAnd now we are in finite verb grammar category. As demonstrated in the chart below. We will learn all the verb respectively.\\n\\nSo, in the graph, the use of can appeared in a different context. And hence it is obvious to say, we use it to show (ability, capacity, offer, habit, and nature).\\n\\nSome more examples:\\n\\nI can speak English fluently.\\n\\nA scientist can invent the Coronavirus vaccine.\\n\\nAustralia\\u2019s team can not defeat the Indian team.\\n\\nAmazon can give a 20% offer on winter clothes.\\n\\nIndian team can score more than 300 in one day match.\\n\\nA hit-mat can shoot him.\\n\\nSome other meaning of Can.\\n\\nnoun\\xa0Can\\xa0(CONTAINER) a closed metal container, especially cylinder-shaped, in which some types of drink and food are sold: a can of soup/beans.\\n\\nCan\\xa0noun (HEADPHONES) : I was wearing cans so I didn\\u2019t hear anything.\\n\\nverb\\xa0Can\\xa0/k\\xe6n/:To put food and drink into a closed metal container without air: He works in a factory where they can fruit.\\n\\nnoun\\xa0Can\\xa0(PRISON): He spent ten years in the can for armed robbery.\\n\\nCan\\xa0noun (TOILET) :the can US \\u2013 toilet\\n\\nverb\\xa0Can\\xa0/k\\xe6n/: To remove someone from their job: Many people were canned from the job while pandemic.\\n\\nverb\\xa0Can\\xa0/k\\xe6n/ (stop): To stop doing something or making noise: Hey, can it, would you? I\\u2019m trying to sleep.\\n\\nMust read these important topics.\\n\\nNon-finite verb infinitive.\\n\\nGerund verb.\\n\\nParticiple grammar.\\n\\nModel verb.\\n\\nUse of could.\\n\\nWould.\\n\\nShould.\\n\\nMay and might.\\n\\nMust.\\n\\nUsed to.\\n\\nTransitive and intransitive verb.\\n\\nPrimary verb.\\n\\nRegular and irregular verb.\\n\\nWill and shall.\\n\\nUse of other, others, and another.'