How to learn to speak English quickly By Alok Pandey

Published: Jan. 16, 2021, 3:03 a.m.

b'Here you will learn- how to learn to speak English quickly.\\n\\nI have spent more than 10 years in the quest of learning English communication skills. How to learn to speak English quickly. When we desire to learn it, the first obstacle that strikes the mind is which grammar structure or component we need to learn.\\n\\nNowadays there is an abundance of suggestions and advice available on social media \\u201cHow to learn to speak English quickly\\u201d, but to find the precise one makes us sceptical. So we are in dark in terms of what to follow and what not.\\n\\nWhen I became an online English spoken teacher and started teaching globally. After teaching for more than 3 years and having 10 years of the learning experience. So, I came to know that, it was very transparent to understand the steps to learn.\\n\\nIt\\u2019s similar when we go to some destination first time and are completely unknown about its way. We are afraid of going astray, but once we reach. It becomes obvious and seems too easy.\\n\\nHere I am sharing experience-based information that is very transparent.\\n\\nWe are in an attempt to learn a language \\u201ca system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar\\u201c. It implies that a system that works as a medium to connect us while correlating our native language to an unknown language.\\n\\nSo,\\xa0which system we are discussing?\\n\\nThus, here is the answer: Many people suggest that Grammar is not important to speak English. But, here I am addressing the system, which means grammar. Grammar is the method that gives the sense to interpret from one language to another. It doesn\\u2019t mean to be grammar centric. But there are many significant grammar rules that we need to learn. Giving some lists.\\n\\nTense.\\n\\nVoice.\\n\\nModal.\\n\\nVerb\\n\\nVocabulary.\\n\\nParts of speech\\xa0is the main component to understand the English language.\\n\\nVerb:- It plays a vital role to switch the sentence among present, past, and future. It becomes sometimes noun some times adjectives and so on.\\n\\nWe don\\u2019t need to keep dwelling on these rules. The steps should be to learn and use.\\xa0Not speaking is the only mistake, that we commit. Whatever structure we learn, use it, or speak it.\\n\\n Follow the right direction.\\n\\nOnce you decided to stick with it. Make your priority, write small-small general sentences and speak it. Learn to speak general daily usage or the situation that revolves around you. Never attempt to learn the things that we hardly use.\\n\\nHave patience.\\n\\nWhile practising you may make mistakes or sentences will not come out of the mouth. Your work is to put in the effort, many learners start and surrender soon. It\\u2019s time taking process hence making haste is the incorrect option.\\n\\nOnce you learn to frame the sentence, speak small-small topics. Start listening. Listening plays a vital role to learn a language. It should be at least 2-4 hours daily. Listening to a podcasts is one of the boons for the English language learner. Whenever you are idle, sitting, walking, or traveling keep on listening.After 3-4 weeks, you will be able to understand whatever you are listening to. There would be many unknown vocabularies while listening, learn it. Doing so you will be improving your vocabulary power.\\n\\nDuring these processes start talking with some other learner. There is plenty of Facebook group full of a learner. Interact with the learner. It will boost your confidence ability.\\n\\nWhile these all steps you will come across many mistakes or embarrassment, but your work is to improve it, not to mute yourself. At this stage, many learners give up.\\n\\nWith the 4-5 months of continuous efforts, you will realize that flow is gradually increasing, at this stage you are able to reveal your thought in English, spontaneously. Reaping the same process start learning the correct\\xa0pronunciation\\xa0of each word. To make it happen follow the\\xa0Cambridge\\xa0dictionary that is available online for free.\\n\\nOnce you achieve this level, the next challenge is to maintain it. It\\u2019s a language hence it needs regular practice.'