031 Learning to be a Flexible Teacher

Published: Jan. 26, 2021, 1 p.m.


If 2020 taught us anything, I\'m sure it was digital technologies and teaching, but second to that I believe is flexibility. In my early years I was so rigid and inflexible in my teaching methods and how my classroom ran.\\xa0 If I had a time machine, I wouldn\'t think that me then and me now were even the same person. I\'ve learned to be a more flexible teacher and be more relaxed.\\xa0 And all I can say is that it has brought me so much happiness and calmness in the difficulty that is teaching.\\xa0

In this episode I outline some of the things that I have learned to be far more flexible and relaxed with and give some tips I think could help you to also be a bit more flexible.\\xa0

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