ATG 109: Break through the 4 Most Dangerous Places Goals Get Stuck!

Published: Jan. 23, 2023, 6 a.m.


In episode 107 of All it Takes is a Goal, we discussed the four simple stages of goals. They\\u2019re uncomplicated and easy to replicate. But if they\\u2019re so simple and work so well, why doesn\\u2019t everyone use them? Why haven\\u2019t we all achieved our goals yet? In this episode, we\\u2019re going to discuss four different types of goal getters, where each type gets stuck, and how you can break through plateaus when you arrive at one. If you didn\\u2019t catch episode 107, no worries! You can jump in here. Tune in to learn what type goal getter you are and what you can do to avoid getting stuck on your path from start to finish!

In This Episode:
Listen to my interview with Greg Sankey
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