How to Mentally Pivot

Published: Nov. 2, 2022, 8 a.m.


Swinging powerfully and repeatably requires a good pivot.\\xa0

Thinking powerfully requires us to mentally pivot...and in golf it needs to happen quickly.

If we don't pivot away from crappy thoughts or states, we get in our own way. We prevent our best swings from coming out.

Often in a rush to feel better or quiet our brain, we change our circumstances. It is an easy and fast way to feel better. This looks like changing a pairing, dropping out of a tournament, pulling the ball out of a divot, even cheating on your score or handicap.

When we do this we miss the opportunity to build the mental muscle to pivot which we inevitably will need.\\xa0

I want you to learn to pivot from where you a boss.

Choosing to think differently about your current situation gives you so much more agency and ownership over your experience.

Build that skill BEFORE you change your situation on or off the course.

In episode 93, I teach you how to mentally pivot in 4 steps.

Build this skill so you are ready for your next golf game.

If want help with this or want to learn more about how to work with Kathy, go to
