Dems' Impeachment Ultimatum, Biden's Bad Energy Gamble, Wine Caves & Selfies

Published: Dec. 20, 2019, 8:25 p.m.

It's finally Friday of a very busy week! Jim and Greg have plenty to say about a member of the House Democratic leadership admitting to CNN that the Democrats may never send the articles of impeachment to the U.S. Senate unless Mitch McConnell agrees to the demands of Democrats for how the trial of President Trump ought to be structured.  They also hammer Joe Biden, who admitted that he's willing to kill thousands - possibly hundreds of thousands of jobs in the energy sector - because he's supremely confident the green economy will offer just as many opportunities for great jobs.  And they are the glad the holidays are right around the corner as Thursday's Democratic presidential debate descends into discussions of wine caves and selfies.

Starting Monday, Jim and Greg will begin their six-episode Three Martini Lunch Awards for 2019.  They each hand out 18 awards in categories ranging from overrated and underrated political figures to rising and fading political figures to the best and worst political ideas of the year, eventually working up to their choices for person of the year.  Enjoy these special episodes and let us know what you think of our choices and share who you would choose!