Claude Gueux

Victor Hugo (1802-1885) raconte dans ce court récit l’histoire de Claude Gueux, incarcéré pour vol, devenu meutrier en prison, puis exécuté. En annexe, deux chapitres sur l’historique du vrai Claude Gueux, rédigés par l’éditeur Gustave Simon (1848-1928). (Summary by Sonia)

7 episodes

Le Piacevoli Notti, Libro 1

“Le Piacevoli Notti” è una raccolta di 74 novelle composte dallo scrittore italiano Giovan Francesco Straparola negli anni '50 del XVI secolo e pubblicate a Venezia a partire dal 1550. I racconti riscossero un grande successo, tanto da essere presto tradotti in diverse lingue. L'opera comprende novelle e fiabe che si immaginano raccontate nel corso di 13 notti da dieci damigelle, tre signore e qualche dotto gentiluomo, tutti facenti parte di una brigata riunitasi a Murano, nel palazzo del vescovo di Lodi, Ottaviano Maria Sforza, per animare il Carnevale veneziano (probabilmente quello del 1536). Le novelle sono accompagnate da enigmi in ottava rima e sono raccordate mediante una cornice di ispirazione boccaccesca, che comprende anche indovinelli e altri racconti. La novità della raccolta di Straparola, rispetto al genere novellistico, è da individuare nella presenza della componente fiabesca e di soggetti fantastici quali animali dotati di poteri magici (assai nota è la novella de “Il gatto con gli stivali”, che godrà di uno straordinario successo grazie alla versione francese di Charles Perrault, diffusa in tutta Europa sul finire del XVII secolo), nonché nell'ampio uso di una materia popolare, il folklore, compreso l'elemento dialettale (veneto, in particolare). Questa raccolta costituì una pietra miliare e un modello per moltissimi scrittori di fiabe che, anche grazie a questo, sarebbero divenuti famosi nei secoli successivi. Giovan Francesco Straparola, primo scrittore di fiabe in Europa, è ritenuto pertanto il vero grande padre della fiaba europea. - Summary by Wikipedia e Paola Toldo

30 episodes

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 047

Diese Sammlung umfasst 10 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres. Eine Liste weiterer kurzer Aufnahmen (Erzählungen, Gedichte, Märchen, Essays) in anderen LibriVox Sammlungen gibt es hier.

10 episodes

The Little Angel and Other Stories

This is a volume of short works by Leonid Andreyev. - Summary by Carolin

21 episodes

Ruby Wedding Collection

This collection comprises short stories, poems, a little bit of history and a little bit of ornithology, all with ruby connections. The reader greatly enjoyed searching out suitable gems for inclusion in this celebration of her own Ruby Wedding Anniversary.

16 episodes

Short Story Collection Vol. 063

This collection comprises 20 short stories of various genres, chosen by the readers. Authors include Saki, Lord Dunsany, Rudyard Kipling, Rex Beach, Banjo Paterson, Chekhov and Montesquieu.

20 episodes

Les Confidences d'Arsène Lupin

Recueil de neuf nouvelles d'Arsène Lupin (Les Jeux du soleil, L'anneau nuptial, Le signe de l'ombre, Le piège infernal, L'écharpe de soie rouge, La mort qui rôde, Edith au cou de Cygne, Le fétu de paille, Le mariage d'Arsène Lupin) - Summary by Fao10rk

9 episodes

Short Science Fiction Collection 055

Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind.

20 episodes

Multilingual Short Works Collection 016

This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English). All chosen and recorded by Librivox volunteers. 01 - Ancient Greek - Βατραχομυομαχία (Batrachomyomachia) key words: comic epic poetry, fiction, parody, battle of frogs and mice 02 - Ancient Greek - Δελφικά Παραγγέλματα - Σωσιάδου των Επτά Σοφών Υποθήκαι (Delphic Maxims) key words: prose, maxims, philosophy 03 - Ancient Greek - Τα Των Πυθαγορείων Χρυσά Έπη (The Golden Verses Of Pythagoras) key words: epic verse, poetry 04 - French - Courage et témérité key words: children, moral, foolhardiness, short story 05 - Galician - Catecismo D´a Doutrina Labrega key words: prose, non fiction, parody 06 - Galician - Contos de Rapaces key words: short story ,br> 07 - German - Briefe aus dem Gefängnis key words: letter, autobiography, nature, prison 08 - Italian - Chiare, fresche e dolci acque key words: canzone d'amore 09 - Italian - Il mito della caverna 10 - Italian - Trionfo di Bacco e Arianna (Canzona di Bacco) key words: carnival song 11 - Latin - Cantilena Potatoria key words: drinking song, medieval 12 - Latin - Ode XI key words: seize the day, ode 13 - Lithuanian - Užmigo žemė key words: poetry, autumnal, night, sunrise 14 - Luxembourgish - Hei gêt et Muôrgens frě eraus key words: operetta song / comedy on healing practices and marriage arranging 15 - Luxembourgish - Nei Hoffnung hât fir méch geblét key words: operetta song, lost love, disappointment 16 - Polish - Daremne żale key words: poem, life, world, future, past, evanescence 17 - Polish - Gdy noc głęboka wszystko uśpi i oniemi key words: poem, Poland, night, stars, longing, prayer 18 - Polish - Jednego serca key words: longing, love, heart, sadness, loneliness, poem 19 - Spanish - La Mayorazga de Bouzas 20 - Spanish - La Santa de Karnar key words: short story

20 episodes

Multilingual Short Works Collection 015

This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English). All chosen and recorded by Librivox volunteers. 01 - French - Lettre I by Napoleon Bonaparte key words: prose, letter, Napoléon, Joséphine 02 - Galician - Adiós Ríos, Adiós fontes by Rosalía de Castro key words: poetry 03 - Galician - Cántiga by Manuel Curros Enríquez key words: poetry 04 - Galician - As duas pragas by Manuel Curros Enríquez key words: poetry 05 - Galician - Falade Galego by Eduardo Pondal key words: poetry 06 - Galician - Feros Corvos de Xallas by Eduardo Pondal key words: poetry 07 - Galician - Galicia by Xoán Manuel Pintos Villar key words: poetry 08 - Galician - Ao Mariscal Pardo de Cela by Valentín Lamas Carvajal key words: poetry 09 - Galician - O Mayo by Manuel Curros Enríquez key words: poetry 10 - Galician - Negra Sombra by Rosalía de Castro key words: poetry 11 - Galician - Os Pinos by Eduardo Pondal key words: poetry 12 - Galician - Sola by Manuel Curros Enríquez key words: poetry 13 - Galician - Unha vez tiven un cravo by Rosalía de Castro key words: poetry 14 - Galician - A Xusticia pola man by Rosalía de Castro key words: poetry 15 - German - Siegfried und Starkad by Karl Mullenhoff key words: prose, legend 16 - Luxembourgish - Et wor emol e Kanoněer by Edmond de la Fontaine key words: operetta-song, love, death, ghost 17 - Polish - "Przyjaciele" from vol. "Bajki" by Adam Mickiewicz key words: poetry 18 - Polish - "Żaby i ich króle" from vol. "Bajki" by Adam Mickiewicz key words: poetry 19 - Romanian - Identitate... by Ion Luca Caragiale key words: short prose, humoristic sketch 20 - Spanish - La Novela Del Tranvía by Manuel Guitérrez Nájera key words: short fiction story, realistic, humor

20 episodes

Ligeia und Andere Novellen

Dies ist eine Sammlung von sieben Geschichten des Meisters der Spukgeschichten Edgar Allan Poe. Enthalten sind unter Anderem die drei berühmten Geschichten Ligeia, Morella und Eleonora, die sich auf verschiedene Weise mit dem Verlust von Geliebten befassen. - Summary by Carolin

7 episodes

Korean Folk Tales

"To any one who would like to look somewhat into the inner soul of the Oriental, and see the peculiar spiritual existences among which he lives, the following stories will serve as true interpreters, born as they are of the three great religions of the Far East, Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism." Manuscripts by two of Korea's (possibly) most famous authors, dating from the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries were uncovered in the early years of the twentieth century. Translation revealed stories that are not for the faint-hearted: gruesome, harsh, unlovely, depicting scenes of the day, as well as the hope for better things. - Summary by Lynne Thompson

54 episodes

LibriVox 11th Anniversary Collection

"LibriVox is a hope, an experiment, and a question: can the net harness a bunch of volunteers to bring books in the public domain to life..." Hugh McGuire, LibriVox's founder, August 9, 2005This year is the 11th anniversary of our beloved LibriVox. The readings in this collection celebrate that "bunch of volunteers" who make up the worldwide LibriVox community. The readings are held together by their connection to the number "eleven." The collection is multilingual. The selections, which are chosen by the readers, include fiction, nonfiction, poems, short stories, and articles.

20 episodes

Short Story Collection Vol. 065

Librivox’s Short Story Collection 065: a collection of 20 short works of fiction in the public domain read by a variety of Librivox members.

20 episodes

The Crocodile

Ivan Matveich, the most ordinary person you might hope to meet, is swallowed alive by a crocodile at a sideshow. Finding life inside the belly of the beast quite comfortable, he makes a home for himself there. His disquisitions on the state of the world from inside the crocodile make him quite a name for himself; while all the while the discussion rages outside as to whether the beast is going to be cut open to release him or not, its value as a sideshow attraction having massively increased owing to the presence of the human voice buried inside it. One of Jorge Luis Borges' seven most favourite stories. - Summary by Tony Addison

4 episodes

The Thief

At a dinner party, a valuable coin is lost while being passed around among the guests to look at. One of the gentlemen insists to empty his pockets to the host to free himself of all suspicion, and the other gentlemen concur, except one, who absolutely refuses, and leaves the house. Is he the thief or did he have another reason to wish to avoid inspection of his pockets? - Summary by Carolin

2 episodes

Threads of Grey and Gold

This is a collection of short stories and poems by Myrtle Reed. Many of the stories are short romances, and they share the unique, nostalgic, sometimes melancholy atmosphere so characteristic of Myrtle Reed's stories. - Summary by Carolin

51 episodes

Harper's Young People, Vol. 01, Issue 08, Dec. 23, 1879

Harper's Young People upon its first publication in 1879 was an illustrated weekly publication containing delightful serialized stories, short stories, fiction and nonfiction, anecdotes, jokes, artwork, craft projects, and more for children. This eighth issue of the serial was published on December 23, 1879 and contained expanded content and improvements to the printed format. Published by Harper & Brothers, known today for their other publications Harper's Bazaar and Harper's Magazine. The story "Christmas Puzzle" contains a puzzle which is in illustrated form, to view the illustration, please visit this periodical issue on Project Gutenberg. (Summary by Jill Engle)

9 episodes

Monday Tales

This is a collection of short stories by Alphonse Daudet. The stories paint an incredibly vivid picture of life in continental Europe before the turn of the last century. The settings of the stories also take us all over France, Belgium, and Germany, with little excursions also outside of those countries. The spirit of Europe of the 19th century is palpable, and described in a way few writers can. - Summary by Carolin

43 episodes

Imaginotions - Truthless Tales

This is a collection of short stories by Tudor Jenks. Those stories are all written and composed in the way of a fairy tale, but they are not primarily aimed at children. The stories contain excellent satire, and are generally very funny and enjoyable. - Summary by Carolin

19 episodes

Le Piacevoli Notti, Libro 2

“Le Piacevoli Notti” è una raccolta, in due Libri, di 74 novelle, composte dallo scrittore italiano Giovan Francesco Straparola negli anni '50 del XVI secolo e pubblicate a Venezia a partire dal 1550. I racconti riscossero un grande successo, tanto da essere presto tradotti in diverse lingue. L'opera comprende novelle e fiabe che si immaginano raccontate nel corso di 13 notti da dieci damigelle, tre Signore e qualche dotto gentiluomo, tutti facenti parte di una brigata riunitasi a Murano, nel palazzo del vescovo di Lodi, Ottaviano Maria Sforza, per animare il Carnevale veneziano (probabilmente quello del 1536). Il primo volume raccoglie i racconti narrati durante le prime 5 notti; il secondo quelli narrati dalla 6° alla 13° notte. Le novelle sono accompagnate da enigmi in ottava rima, non di rado triviali, e sono raccordate mediante una cornice di ispirazione boccaccesca, che comprende anche indovinelli e altri racconti. La novità della raccolta di Straparola, rispetto al genere novellistico, è da individuare nella presenza della componente fiabesca e di soggetti fantastici quali animali dotati di poteri magici (assai nota è la novella de “Il gatto con gli stivali”, che godrà di uno straordinario successo grazie alla versione francese di Charles Perrault, diffusa in tutta Europa sul finire del XVII secolo), nonché nell'ampio uso di una materia popolare, il folklore, compreso l'elemento dialettale (veneto, in particolare). Il contenuto della raccolta costituì una pietra miliare e un modello per moltissimi scrittori di fiabe dei secoli successivi che, anche grazie a questo, godettero di grande fama. Giovan Francesco Straparola, primo scrittore di fiabe in Europa, è ritenuto e merita di essere ricordato, pertanto, come il vero grande padre della fiaba europea. (Wikipedia e Paola Toldo)

58 episodes

A Budget of Christmas Tales

This is a 1895 collection of christmas-themed short stories and poems by various authors, Charles Dickens himself being the most prominent feature. - Summary by Carolin

27 episodes

Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse

This is a collection of Christmas short stories and poems by Eugene Field, published in 1912. The stories beautifully evoke an old-fashioned spirit of Christmas, each presenting a different angle of this special holiday. - Summary by Carolin

14 episodes

Kaffir, Kangaroo, Klondike; Tales Of The Gold Fields

Seven short stories. - Summary by david wales

7 episodes

Short Story Collection Vol. 066

Another great collection of short stories in English, selected and read by Librivox readers.

20 episodes

The Man who Understood Women, and Other Stories

This is a collection of 20 short stories by English novelist and playwright Leonard Merrick. The stories concern varied topics, and succeed to evoke a charming picture of England in the early 20th century. It is surprising that Merrick's work is no longer known to the public, as he was one of the most highly regarded writers of his own time. William Dean Howells wrote of him, for instance, "I can think of no recent fictionist of his nation who can quite match with Mr. Merrick in that excellence [of "shapeliness" or form in the novel]. This will seem great praise, possibly too great, to the few who have a sense of such excellence; but it will probably be without real meaning to most, though our public might well enjoy form if it could once be made to imagine it." (quoted in wikipedia). - Summary by Carolin

23 episodes

Victorian Short Stories: Tales of Courtship

A selection of five short stories with the theme of courtship, written during the Victorian era and previously published elsewhere. - Summary by Lynne Thompson

7 episodes

The Glories of Ireland

A collection of essays on Ireland compiled by Joseph Dunn and PJ Lennox. As stated in the Preface to the books "...we have been forced to the conclusion that the performances of the Irish race in many fields of endeavor are entirely unknown to most people, and that even to the elect they are not nearly so well known as they deserve to be. Hence there came to us the thought of placing on record, in an accessible, comprehensive, and permanent form, an outline of the whole range of Irish achievement during the last two thousand years." - Summary by KHand

39 episodes

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 051

Diese Sammlung umfasst 10 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres. "Im Gerichtssaal" übersetzt von Marie Franzos (1870–1941) Erstes Kapitel von "Der Spieler" übersetzt von August Scholz (1857–1923) Eine Liste weiterer kurzer Aufnahmen (Erzählungen, Gedichte, Märchen, Essays) in anderen LibriVox Sammlungen gibt es hier.

10 episodes

The May Flower and Miscellaneous Writings

Included herein are 35 charming short stories or humorous sketches, some written as exercises for the literary Semi-Colon Club of Cincinnati which Stowe belonged to for years, others published in magazines of the time, and 7 religious poems. Stowe honed her expressive skills on many of these before writing her first serious novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, and 30 other books that followed. They showcase her considerable skill even as a young writer, and she made good money doing it, often supporting her family. This collection, named after a flower native to the east coast, likely the Anemone hepatica, or 'May flower', should not to be confused with another collection by Stowe, The Mayflower, which provides sketches of several descendants of the Pilgrims. - Summary by Michele Fry

49 episodes

Short Story Collection Vol. 067

A collection of 20 short stories selected and read by Librivox readers in English.

20 episodes

Short Story Collection Vol. 068

Another fantastic selection of 20 short stories selected by Librivox readers and read in English.

20 episodes

Short Story Collection Vol. 069

O. Henry, P.G. Wodehouse, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dorothy Parker and Jack London were among the authors selected by Librivox readers for this, the 69th volume of short stories. Sit back and enjoy!

20 episodes

Humorous Readings and Recitations

Before radio, television, and electronic mass media, lectures, recitations, public readings, and other public performances were important ways of sharing new works with the public or attracting public attention to issues and authors of the time. Public performance was, in a sense, the internet of its day, as people sought to learn of the world around them, as well as entertain themselves. This anthology of short humorous pieces was intended as a ready reference of material of all sorts to those who participated in public performance, whether professionally, or as part of a school or community program. The pieces themselves were intended to be read aloud, shared with, and appreciated by, an audience. This intent is not dissimilar to the mission of Librivox in the twenty-first century. They were written by popular authors of the period, some of whose names are still well known in the twenty first-century, such as J. M. Barrie (Peter Pan), Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland), W.S. Gilbert (HMS Pinafore) and W.M. Thackeray (Vanity Fair), as well as others whose popularity has waned. (DrPGould)

41 episodes

Stories in Grey

This is a collection of short stories by Barry Pain. Pain was well-known in his time for his supernatural and horror stories. This collection contains 15 interesting examples of his work. - Summary by Carolin

18 episodes

The Day before Yesterday

This is a volume of short stories and essays by Richard Middleton. The British poet and author wrote a large number of short pieces during his life, which are today still as entertaining as they were then. Published 1912, one year after Middleton's death, this volume collects some of the best specimens of his prose. - Summary by Carolin

33 episodes

The Chorus Girl and Other Stories

Volume 8 of a collection of short stories by Anton Chekhov. The selection includes The Chorus Girl, A Gentleman Friend and A father, among others. - Summary by Lynne Thompson

17 episodes

Coffee Break Collection 013 - Weather

This is the thirteenth collection of our "coffee break" series, involving public domain works that are between 3 and 15 minutes in length. These are great for study breaks, commutes, workouts, or any time you'd like to hear a whole story and only have a few minutes to devote to listening. The theme for this collection is "The Weather", where the weather conditions are significant. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry... this selection contains them all. (Lynne Thompson)

15 episodes

Short Story Collection Vol. 070

Mysteries, fantasy, family and hardship all make appearances in this, the 70th volume of short stories in the English language, selected and read by Librivox readers.

20 episodes

Christmas Short Works Collection 2017

This year's Christmas collection of short stories, poems and non-fiction features 29 readings in English, Lithuanian, Spanish and Romanian.

29 episodes

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 052

Diese Sammlung umfasst 10 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres. Eine Liste weiterer kurzer Aufnahmen (Erzählungen, Gedichte, Märchen, Essays) in anderen LibriVox Sammlungen gibt es hier.

10 episodes

Short Story Collection Vol. 071

Romance and mystery abound in this, the seventy-first collection of short stories selected and read by Librivox volunteers.

20 episodes

Coffee Break Collection 014 - New Beginnings

This is the fourteenth collection of our "coffee break" series, involving public domain works that are between 3 and 15 minutes in length. These are great for study breaks, commutes, workouts, or any time you'd like to hear a whole story and only have a few minutes to devote to listening. The theme for this collection is "New Beginnings", where some kind of change or new start is significant. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry... we have them all.

15 episodes

Harper's Young People, Vol. 01, Issue 12, Jan. 20, 1880

Harper's Young People was an illustrated weekly publication for children containing delightful serialized stories, short stories, fiction and nonfiction, poetry, craft projects and more. This 12th issue of the serial, published on January 20, 1880, features stories of narrow escapes and rescues, new friendships, enchanted timepieces, arctic wildlife, archaeological discoveries, an astronomy lesson, and a picturesque sail down the Nile river. This serial was published by Harper & Brothers, known today for their other publications Harper's Bazaar and Harper's Magazine. (Summary by Jill Engle)

10 episodes

The Ghost Ship & Other Stories

Richard Middleton is one of the many authors who, despite great merit, have been almost entirely forgotten today. This English author was an eminent literary figure in his day, admired by, among others, Edgar Jepson, Arthur Machen, and Raymond Chandler. This collection of short stories contains his best-known short story, The Ghost Ship, a skillfully written horror story. The other stories contained in this collection are not all horror stories, but cover a variety of genres and topics. - Summary by Carolin

21 episodes

Short Science Fiction Collection 062

Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind. -A. Gramour

21 episodes

Miss Mink's Soldier and Other Stories

This is a volume of very cute short stories. Miss Mink for instance invites a lonely soldier to her place for dinner and realises that with this one man the entire world walked into her front door. The other stories are connected by their southern themes but are otherwise entirely different. - Summary by Carolin

8 episodes

Around The Campfire

Action and adventure short stories of men and animals in the wild. - Summary by David Wales

14 episodes

Far Above Rubies

Proverbs 31:10-11 says, "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil." (KJV) With this in mind, George MacDonald gives us the short story of a young and aspiring Scottish poet named Hector. - Summary by HannahMary

6 episodes

Harper's Young People, Vol. 01, Issue 13, Jan. 27, 1880

Harper's Young People was an illustrated weekly publication for children containing delightful serialized stories, short stories, fiction and nonfiction, poetry, craft projects and more. This 13th issue of the serial, published on January 27, 1880, features an eclectic collection of stories sure to delight present-day children as it did the children of centuries past. This serial was published by Harper & Brothers, known today for their other publications Harper's Bazaar and Harper's Magazine. - Summary by Jill Engle

11 episodes