Puck of Pook's Hill (version 2)

'Puck of Pook's Hill' is a fantasy book by Rudyard Kipling, published in 1906, containing a series of short stories set in different periods of English history. It can count both as historical fantasy – since some of the stories told of the past have clear magical elements, and as contemporary fantasy – since it depicts a magical being active and practising his magic in the England of the early 1900s when the book was written.The stories are all narrated to two children living near Burwash, in the area of Kipling's own house Bateman's, by people magically plucked out of history by the elf Puck, or told by Puck himself. (Puck, who refers to himself as "the oldest Old Thing in England", is better known as a character in William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream.) The genres of particular stories range from authentic historical novella (A Centurion of the Thirtieth, On the Great Wall) to children's fantasy (Dymchurch Flit). Each story is bracketed by a poem which relates in some manner to the theme or subject of the story. - Summary by Wikipedia

10 episodes

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 049

Diese Sammlung umfasst 10 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres. Eine Liste weiterer kurzer Aufnahmen (Erzählungen, Gedichte, Märchen, Essays) in anderen LibriVox Sammlungen gibt es hier.

10 episodes

The Scarecrow of Oz (version 2)

The Scarecrow of Oz is the ninth book set in the Land of Oz written by L. Frank Baum. Published on July 16, 1915, it was Baum's personal favorite of the Oz books and tells of Cap'n Bill and Trot journeying to Oz and, with the help of the Scarecrow, overthrowing the cruel King Krewl of Jinxland. - Summary by wikipedia

24 episodes

History of the Kings of Britain

More medieval romance than history, Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae represents the oldest versions we have of many legends of Britain, populated by such characters as the Leir, Cymbeline, Uther and Arthur Pendragon and Cadwallader. This is Giles' 1848 revision of Thompson's 1718 edition. - Summary by SkyRider

23 episodes

The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria

This volume contains two publications by W. Scott-Elliot, namely The Story of Atlantis (1896) and The Lost Lemuria (1904). A theosophist and believer of the Occult, W. Scott-Elliot gives us a description of the history and structure of Atlantis and Lemuria, along with what he considers evidence of this. The Story of Atlantis is prefaced by Alfred Percy Sinnett. - Summary by Rapunzelina

11 episodes

Японские народные сказки (Yaponskie Narodnye Skazki)

Эта книга содержит японские народные сказки, переведенные с немецкого на русский Александром Александровичем Фёдоровым-Давыдовым - детским писателем, редактором, издателем и переводчиком. This book contains Japanese Folk Tales translated from German into Russian by Aleksandr Fyodorov-Davydov - children's writer, editor, publisher and translator. Summary by ShiNeko

10 episodes

Adventskalender 2014

Diese Sammlung ist ein Adventskalender und enthält für jeden Tag vom 1. bis 24. Dezember eine Aufnahme über Weihnachten, den Winter und verwandte Themen. Für den 24. Dezember haben wir ein kleines Krippenspiel aufgenommen. Die Rollen wurden gelesen von: Erzähler: Julia Niedermaier Wirt: Karlsson Haushalter: Martin Harbecke Joseph: KlausN Maria: keltoi Engel: Cyamis 1. Hirt: Hokuspokus Steffen, der 2. Hirt: Availle 3. Hirt: Bernd Ungerer Audioschnitt: Karlsson

24 episodes

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 045

Diese Sammlung umfasst 15 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres. Eine Liste weiterer kurzer Aufnahmen (Erzählungen, Gedichte, Märchen, Essays) in anderen LibriVox Sammlungen gibt es hier.

15 episodes

Duizend en één Nacht, Tweede deel

Koning Schahriar denkt door zijn vrouw bedrogen te zijn. Om herhaling te voorkomen besluit hij voortaan elke avond een nieuwe vrouw te trouwen die hij de volgende ochtend laat doden door zijn grootvizier. De dochter van deze grootvizier, Scheherazade, wil met de koning trouwen om haar volk te redden. Om aan de executie te ontkomen vertelt zij de koning in de huwelijksnacht een verhaal dat nog niet af is. De koning benieuwd naar het einde van het verhaal laat haar één nacht extra leven. De volgende nacht komt het vervolg, maar ook dat verhaal is niet af. De koning gunt haar nog een nacht. Dit houdt Scheherazade 1001 nachten vol en elke nacht wordt afgesloten met een onvoltooid verhaal. De koning is zo van haar gaan houden dat hij haar laat leven en geen vrouwen meer laat doden. In dit tweede deel onder andere de verhalen van Sibad de Zeeman. - Summary by Marcel Coenders

16 episodes

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 046

Diese Sammlung umfasst 15 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres. Das Faß Amontillado übersetzt von Gisela Etzel Vor der Galavorstellung übersetzt von Franz Weil Eine Liste weiterer kurzer Aufnahmen (Erzählungen, Gedichte, Märchen, Essays) in anderen LibriVox Sammlungen gibt es hier.

15 episodes

Cobwebs from an Empty Skull

Ambrose Bierce's collection of short parables, published under the pen name of Dod Grile, is similar to Aesop's Fables. This compilation is comprised of "Fables of Zambri, the Parsee," "Brief Seasons of Intellectual Dissipation" and the "Divers Tales," all of which were first serialized in the magazine "FUN." A great read for any lover of short stories or poetry with faraway lands, talking animals and supernatural occurrences! Summary by Mary Kay

58 episodes

Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry

This is a collection of Fairy and Folk tales. The poet William Butler Yeats collected them from around the Western part of Ireland and translated them near the end of the 1800s. - Summary by Michele Eaton

44 episodes

Die verkaufte Großmutter

Der brave kleine Otto aus gutem Hause freundet sich mit dem Arbeiterkind Jupp an, weil der eine ganz besondere Großmutter hat - eine Großmutter, die Märchen erzählen kann. Bald träumen sich die Buben selbst ins Märchenreich und erleben allerlei Abenteuer. Ewers' Märchen sind vor allem erst mal anders, ein bisschen subversiv, ein bisschen satirisch, ein Vergnügen für kleine und große Leser und Zuhörer.

21 episodes

Five Children and It (Dramatic Reading)

Finding a Psammead (sand-fairy) to grant any wish your heart desires seems like the beginning of endless delights, but as Cyril, Anthea, Robert and Jane soon discover, being beautiful, wealthy and popular can have surprising pitfalls! When it comes to wishing they had wings, lived in a besieged castle or to fight Red Indians in the English countryside, the results of their wishes lead to hilarious narrow escapes and (usually) being sent to bed."Five Children and It" is the first of the three "Psammead" books by Edith Nesbit, introducing the irascible sand fairy who uses the children's wishes to teach them lessons about life. This dramatised reading brings the four children and their friend vividly to life! Cast List: Narrator: Beth ThomasAnthea: Kristin GjerløwJane: RachelCyril: Charlotte DuckettMother: Laurie Anne WaldenRobert: LydiaThe Lamb: Zames CurranPsammead: Rob BoardMartha: Sonia Other roles read by: Maggie Travers, K. Adrian Stroat, Matthew Travers, Mike Justice, Peter Yearsley, K. Adrian Stroat, Peter Eastman, Andrew Travers, Jennifer Fournier, Jessie Yun, Elizabeth Travers, Joseph Tabler, Mark Chulsky, Twinkle, Dillon McFarlane and ToddHW Edited by Kristin Gjerløw

12 episodes

Christ Legends

These are beautiful little stories about Christmas from the Swedish storyteller Selma Lagerlöf. As she explains in the first story, they were told her by her grandmother "I remember that grandmother told story after story from morning till night, and that we children sat beside her, quite still, and listened. It was a glorious life! No other children had such happy times as we did. It isn’t much that I recollect about my grandmother. I remember that she had very beautiful snow-white hair, and stooped when she walked, and that she always sat and knitted a stocking. And I even remember that when she had finished a story, she used to lay her hand on my head and say: “All this is as true, as true as that I see you and you see me.” - Summary by Phil chenevert

14 episodes

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 047

Diese Sammlung umfasst 10 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres. Eine Liste weiterer kurzer Aufnahmen (Erzählungen, Gedichte, Märchen, Essays) in anderen LibriVox Sammlungen gibt es hier.

10 episodes

The Story of the Champions of the Round Table

The second of four volumes of Pyles' retelling of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, which tells the stories of Percival, Tristram, and Launcelot of the Lake. - Summary by Maggie Travers

30 episodes

Das Rübezahlbuch

Viele wollen ihn gesehen haben, aber wirklich gesehen hat ihn noch keiner - Rübezahl. Neun Abenteuer des geheimnisvollen Berggeists aus dem Riesengebirge. (Zusammenfassung von Gaby)

11 episodes

Strange Stories From a Chinese Studio, volume 1

"Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio" (or "Strange Tales of Liaozhai") is a collection of nearly five hundred mostly supernatural tales written by Pu Songling during the early Qing Dynasty. It was written in Classical Chinese rather than Vernacular Chinese. Pu is believed to have completed the majority of the tales sometime in 1679, though he could have added entries as late as 1707. He borrows from a folk tradition of oral storytelling to put to paper a series of captivating, colorful stories, where the boundary between reality and the odd or fantastic is blurred. The cast of characters includes vixen spirits, ghosts, scholars, court officials, Taoist exorcists and beasts. Moral purposes are often inverted between humans and the supposedly degenerate ghosts or spirits, resulting in a satirical edge to some of the stories. Ghosts and spirits are often bold and trustworthy, while humans are on the other hand weak, indecisive and easily manipulated, reflecting the author's own disillusionment with his society. (Summary by Wikipedia) In this project, Librivox volunteers read from Volume 1 of Herbert Giles' English translation of these classic stories.

63 episodes

The Indian Story Book

Richard Wilson has taken tales from the two great Indian epics, the Rāmāyaṇa and the Mahābhārata, as well as other early sources, and has retold them in English, in an effort to showcase to young English-speaking readers that 'oriental' stories share the same elements as tales they are used to. Love, hate, virtue, oppression, tenderness, bravery and resourcefulness and an ultimate desire to conquer evil. - Summary by Paraphrased from the Introduction

33 episodes

Tausend und eine Nacht, Band 3

Scheherazade oder Schehersad, die Tochter eines Wesirs, heiratete den König / Sultan, der die Angewohnheit hatte, seine Ehefrauen am ersten Tag nach der Hochzeit köpfen zu lassen. Schehersad jedoch begann ihm Geschichten zu erzählen, die am Ende der Nacht den Ausgang offen ließen und den Sultan dazu brachten, wenn er den Fortgang der Geschichte erfahren wollte, von einer Enthauptung abzusehen. Nach 1001 Nächten gestanden sich beide ihre Liebe und lebten glücklich bis .... (Zusammenfassung von Bernd Ungerer)

39 episodes

Romances of Old Japan

A collection of romances from old Japan rendered into English by Yei Theodora Ozaki. Filled with tales of honor, adventure, tragedy, and romance, this collection will surely give anyone interested in Japanese culture and literature (as well as anyone who can appreciate a good story well-told) an insightful and enjoyable experience. (Summary by mlcui)

16 episodes

John Dough and the Cherub

An evil Arabian sorcerer loans a golden flask full of the Great Elixir - a magic liquid that endows a person with pronounced health, strength, and longevity - to a colorblind baker's wife to stop it falling into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, the woman mixes up the Elixir with her rheumatism medicine, which, through even more misunderstanding, then ends up being used in batch of gingerbread. Out of this dough comes John Dough, a six-foot novelty gingerbread man who promptly comes to life and runs away, in an echo of an old nursery rhyme. Pursued by the evil sorcerer, who wants to eat him to gain the power of immortality, and children, who want to eat him because he's made of cake, John Dough and his sidekick the Cherub flee through a variety of strange fantasy lands and bizarre scenarios, including an encounter with "The King of Fairy Beavers," an animated Wooden Indian, a girl executioner who never gets to kill anybody and weeps over the fact, a two-legged talking horse that bullies its rider, and the youthful and tyrannical "Kinglet" of Phreex. Will John Dough escape those who want him eaten? Though the novel (published in 1906) is not considered part of the Oz canon, its main characters make cameo appearances in The Road to Oz (1909). - Summary by Mary Kay, E. Toland and Wikipedia

19 episodes

Welsh Fairy Tales

This is a collection of delightful tales that explore the uniqueness of the Welsh people, Welsh heroes, Welsh countryside, Welsh animals and Welsh pride. Some other minor peoples are mentioned in passing (the English, The Scots, etc.) but mainly these stories embody the exuberant pride and joy in living of the Welsh people as well as their wry humor. Most stories are fairly short and would make a wonderful listening episode for anyone.. - Summary by Phil chenevert

24 episodes

Friendly Fairies

Friendly Fairies is a popular book by Johnny Gruelle who is known as the creator of Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy. Listen to fifteen captivating stories which will carry away you and your children to the world of fairy tales. - Summary by ShiNeko

15 episodes

Stories from the Arabian Nights

Scheherazadè, the heroine of the Thousand and one Nights, ranks among the great story-tellers of the world but the great quantity of her stories were meant to stave off her death and so we can expect a few to be not of the best quality. The six stories chosen here to be retold by Laurence Housman however, are some of the very best to be had among all of them. They are beautifully written and deserve to be 'told' by readers who enjoy telling stories. - Summary by Phil Chenevert

6 episodes

Children's Short Works, Vol. 023

Librivox's Children's Short Works Collection 023: a collection of 16 short works for children in the public domain read by a variety of Librivox members. - Summary by Ruth Golding

16 episodes

The Strange Story Book

A collection of stories compiled by the widow of the renowned children's short-story collector, Andrew Lang. She describes this as the final installment of his series of fairy stories and includes some of those stories he had not included in other collections. In the preface, she pays tribute to her husband, saying he liked old things more than new, he loved all beasts' because they were beasts', fairies, cricket and dancing. He longed to visit far away places, but hated to travel. But most of all he befriended children wherever he went and they shared stories with him. Only his own children mocked him. - Summary by Lynne Thompson

35 episodes

The Other Side of the Sun: Fairy Stories

What better thing can I say about this book except that it is written by Evelyn Sharp the author who writes fairy stories with a flowing and beautiful style. These eight stories are different in that they are a bit longer than usual fairy stories, taking time to explore motivation, mood and plot; the characters seem to be real people not just two dimensional elements put there to round out the story. - Summary by Phil chenevert

8 episodes

In Indian Tents

A collection of the legends and stories of North Eastern Indians "In the summer of 1882 and 1883, I was associated with Charles G. Leland in the collection of the material for his book The Algonquin Legends of New England, published in 1884. I found the work so delightful, that I have gone on with it since, whenever I found myself in the neighborhood of Indians. The supply of legends and tales seems to be endless, one supplementing and complementing another, so that there may be a dozen versions of one tale, each containing something new. I have tried, in this little book, in every case, to bring these various versions into a single whole; though I scarcely hope to give my readers the pleasure which I found in hearing them from the Indian story-tellers. Only the very old men and women remember these stories now; and though they know that their legends will soon be buried with them, and forgotten, it is not easy task to induce them to repeat them. One may make half-a-dozen visits, tell his own best stories, and exert all his arts of persuasion, in vain, then stroll hopelessly by some day, to be called in to hear some marvellous bit of folklore. These old people have firm faith in witches, fairies, and giants of whom they tell; and any trace of amusement or incredulity would meet with quick indignation and reserve." - Abby L. Alger - Summary by Phil chenevert and the author

23 episodes

Lore of Proserpine

If a thing is not sensibly true it may be morally so. If it is not phenomenally true it may be so substantially. And it is possible that one may see substance in the idiom, so to speak, of the senses. That, I take it, is how the Greeks saw thunder-storms and other huge convulsions; that is how they saw meadow, grove and stream—in terms of their own fair humanity. They saw such natural phenomena as shadows of spiritual conflict or of spiritual calm, and within the appearance apprehended the truth. So it may be that I have done. Some such may be the explanation of all fairy experience. Let it be so. It is a fact, I believe, that there is nothing revealed in this book which will not bear a spiritual, and a moral, interpretation; and I venture to say of some of it that the moral implications involved are exceedingly momentous, and timely too. I need not refer to such matters any further. If they don't speak for themselves they will get no help from a preface. - Summary by Maurice Hewlett

16 episodes

The Dreamer of Dreams

Eric, artist for the king, has created a marvelous painting of a royal wedding. It is finished except for the face of the queen, which appeared to him in a dream. When he awoke, he had forgotten the form of the features. Obsessed with recapturing this vision, he goes on a quest to find the woman because he cannot paint another stroke until he sees those eyes again. During his journey, he discovers much more, perhaps even the true meaning of his dream and of his life. - Summary by Amy Gramour

30 episodes

The Strange Story Book (version 2)

This is the last book in the The Andrew Lang "Color" Fairy Books series published after his death by his wife. She wrote the stories and he had edited them before his demise. It is a collection of stories that are a bit different than the Fairy Books: still colorful and well written but telling tales about decidedly odd topics. A word of Caution: please read the stories before your children do, some of them contain some violent imagery. - Summary by Linda Andrus

34 episodes

El Libro de Las Mil Noches y Una Noche Volumen 2

Ningún libro tan conocido, y menos conocido que esta famosa colección de novelas, monumento literario del pueblo árabe. Con el título de Las Mil y Una Noches circula desde hace siglos un libro que todos aceptan como una obra completa, y nada es menos cierto. Las Mil y Una Noches publicadas hasta el presente se componen de unos cuantos cuentos y nada más. entresacados de la monumental obra árabe y traducidos tímidamente para que puedan servir de recreo a los niños, por sus relatos maravillosos. Novelas humanas, exhuberantes de pasión, fueron convertidas por el traductor del siglo XVII en infantiles relatos. La grande obra imaginativa de los cuentistas semitas ha permanecido ignorada hasta nuestros días. Es el doctor Mardrus el que por primera vez la dio a conocer al público con una traducción completa y fiel de las Alf Lailah Oua Lailah (Mil Noches y Una Noche). El lector encontrará las famosas novelas, palabra por palabra, tal como las crearon sus autores. El texto árabe ha cambiado simplemente de caracteres: su alma es la misma - Summary by Prefacio de los Editores del libro

11 episodes

Christmas Outside Of Eden

A delightful Christmas fantasy told with inimitable charm and delicate humor. It is "the story the robins tell as they huddle beneath the holly on the Eve of Christmas"—the sensation created by the birth of the first baby, among the animals on earth, the angels in heaven, and even in the mind of the surprised Almighty Himself. The conception of the Deity is a primitive one, as required by the nature of the tale, and the story should be read as a "myth-story." - Publisher's Advertisement

2 episodes

On The Tree Top

A collection of Nursery Rhymes retold by the author and others. - Summary by David Lawrence *Additional Proof-listening by Christine Lehman.

30 episodes

Los Nibelungos

En el Cantar de los nibelungos se narra la gesta de Sigfrido, un cazador de dragones de la corte de los burgundios, quien valiéndose de ciertos artificios consigue la mano de la princesa Crimilda. Sin embargo, una indiscreción termina por provocar una horrorosa cadena de venganzas. Summary by Phileas Fogg.

40 episodes

Adventskalender 2016

Diese Sammlung ist ein Adventskalender und enthält für jeden Tag vom 1. bis 24. Dezember eine Aufnahme über Weihnachten, den Winter und verwandte Themen. 23. Dezember - Die zwei Hirten in der Christnacht - gelesen von Sonia und Gaby. 24. Dezember - Stille Nacht - gesungen von Sonia, Eva K., Gaby, Julia Niedermaier, Boris und Karlsson, mit Klavierbegleitung von Ruth Golding.

24 episodes

The Knights of the Silver Shield

This is a volume of eleven beautiful and original little fairy tales. - Summary by Carolin

11 episodes

Kinder- und Hausmärchen

Eine Sammlung der bekannten Volksmärchen, herausgegeben von den Brüdern Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm. Summary by Sonia

212 episodes

Los Eddas

Los Eddas son colecciones de historias relacionadas con la mitología nórdica. Con este nombre se conocen dos recopilaciones literarias islandesas medievales que juntas forman el corpus más importante para conocer la mitología nórdica. - Summary by Phileas Fogg

45 episodes

The Story of King Arthur and his Knights

Masterful artist, illustrator, and storyteller Howard Pyle brings new life to the legends of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table. The first in Pyle's series of four books about King Arthur, this volume takes readers to the very beginning and the miracle of Arthur pulling the sword from the anvil and claiming his birthright as King of Britain. We are reintroduced to Pyle's Lady Guinevere, the Enchanter Merlin, the evil Morgana Le Fay, the chivalrous knights Sir Pellias and Sir Gawaine and follow their noble adventures. A book to be enjoyed by children and adults, alike. - Summary by Jill Engle

41 episodes

Children's Short Works, Vol. 024

Librivox's Children's Short Works Collection 024: a collection of 15 short works for children in the public domain read by a variety of Librivox members.

15 episodes

A Book of Fairy Tales

This is a collection of fairy tales, retold by Sabine Baring-Gould. The collection contains such well-known stories as Cinderella and the Beauty and the Beast, but also tales which are now not as widely known, such as the Yellow Dwarf and the White Cat. - Summary by Carolin

22 episodes

The Princess Pourquoi

Once upon a time, a princess was born, and a fairy cursed her with a mind: "She is a woman-child, and yet she shall think. She shall be alien to her own sex, and undesired by the other. She shall ask and it will not be given her. She shall achieve and it shall count her for naught. Men shall point the finger at her like this...and shall whisper, 'There goes the woman with brains, poor thing!" This and four other joyful feminist fairy tales make up The Princess Pourquoi. - Summary by wildemoose

10 episodes

Miss Santa Claus of the Pullman

We all know that Santa Claus has a large family in which to help him in the delivery of presents, peace, and good cheer. So what would you do if you were Miss Santa Claus and met two children on Christmas Eve traveling to a strange town to be reunited with their father and new stepmother? Why, naturally you would tell them the story of Princess Ina and a powerful charm they could use to turn their feared stepmother into a real mother. Follow the children as they learn to pick starflowers of obedience and kindness to make a mantle of love and become a real family. (Summary by Linette Geisel)

7 episodes

Cuentos de Hadas

Perrault fue un autor francés que puso las bases por escrito de un nuevo género que haría historia, la de los "Cuentos de Hadas". Sus cuentos más famosos fueron incluídos en la publicación "Historias y Cuentos de Antaño" bajo el subtítulo de "Cuentos de Mamá Ganso" que son: "Caperucita Roja", "La Bella Durmiente del Bosque", "El Gato con Botas", "Cenicienta", "Barba Azul", "Pulgarcito", "Las Hadas" y "Riquete el del Copete", En sus cuentos él se ayudaba con imágenes que tenía a su alrededor como bosques, castillos, princesas y marqueses, y también les agregaba cosas traídas del mundo de la fantasía. Hizo muchas adaptaciones de cuentos folklóricos ya existentes. - Summary by Phileas Fogg

12 episodes

The Royal Book of Oz (version 3)

"Of course, we all knew the Scarecrow was a very fine fellow, but surely we never guessed he ascended from an emperor. Most of us descend from our ancestors, but the Scarecrow really ASCENDED. The Scarecrow had a most exciting and adventurous time on the Silver Isle and Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion just ran out of one adventure into another trying to rescue him. They made some charming new friends in their travels—Sir Hokus of Pokes, the Doubtful Dromedary, and the Comfortable Camel. You'll find them very unusual and likable. They have the same peculiar, delightful and informal natures that we love in all the queer Oz people." From the introduction. When Frank Baum died, he left notes for the next book in the Oz series and they were used to write this delightful story. - Summary by Introduction and Phil Chenevert

25 episodes

Holiday House

Extremely popular when it was published, this book was one of the first to include fairy tales which were not only didactic but also enjoyable and entertaining. But beware! These are not only fairy tales! They have lessons to teach and can be viewed as a historical document telling us very vividly about the time they were written. - Summary by Stav Nisser

18 episodes

Historia de un cascanueces

Alexandre Dumas también se ocupó de la narración infantil con esta versión del clásico cuento de Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffman, titulado El Cascanueces y el rey ratón, de 1816. Dumas realizó una adaptación especialmente dirigida a los niños y la publicó en 1844 con el título de Historia de un Cascanueces, que fomentó la imaginación de muchas generaciones de niños y niñas. Fue la versión de Alexandre Dumas la que sirvió a Marius Petipa para concebir en 1892 el ballet El Cascanueces, cuya música fue compuesta por Tchaikovsky. - Summary by Phileas Fogg

17 episodes