White Tail the Deer's Adventures

by George Ethelbert WALSH (1865 - 1941)

Young Black Buck's Challenge to a Race

White Tail the Deer's Adventures

White Tail is the son of Father Buck, who is the leader of the herd. He and his rival Young Black Buck get into all kinds of adventures, but they have to be wary of Puma the Mountain Lion and Timber Wolf! Will White Tail be able to keep away from them and follow in his father's hoofsteps? - Summary by Foon

Listen next episodes of White Tail the Deer's Adventures:
A Race With Puma and Timber , Choosing a New Leader , Downy the Woodpecker Brings Startling News , Mrs. Puma and Timber Fight , The Great Combat , White Tail Escapes , White Tail Hears Unpleasant News , White Tail Made Leader of the Herd , White Tail's Adventure in the Camp , White Tail's Magnanimous Act , Young Black Buck Has an Accident