歌行灯 (Utaandon)

by Kyōka IZUMI (1873 - 1939)


歌行灯 (Utaandon)

二人の老人が桑名の駅に降り立った。彼らは、伊勢から東京への帰路で、そこの宿に泊まった。若い男、流しの歌い手が桑名のうどん屋で休みをとった。この二つの話が平行して語られ、最後にひとつに混じり合う。Two elderly men get off the train at Kuwana Station. They are on the way back from Ise to Tokyo and they stay at an inn in Kuwana. A young man, a travelling singer, rests at a noodle shop in Kuwana. The stories of the men parallel each other and merge at the end. The book has been translated into English as "A Song by Lantern Light". (Summary by ekzemplaro)

Listen next episodes of 歌行灯 (Utaandon):
Jyugo , Jyuhachi , Jyuku , Jyuroku , Jyushi , Jyushichi , Nijyu , Nijyuichi , Nijyuni , Nijyusan