唐诗三百首 卷三 Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 3

by VARIOUS ( - )

137 新年作 (New Year’s at Changsha) (Hokkien)

唐诗三百首 卷三 Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 3

Compiled around 1763, 'Three Hundred Tang Poems' is the standard collection of the poetic art of the Tang Dynasty (618 to 907). Poems in Volume Three are of the style 五言律詩 'five character regular verse' (poems 90 to 169).(Summary by David Barnes)

Listen next episodes of 唐诗三百首 卷三 Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 3:
138 送僧歸日本 (Farewell to a Japanese Buddhist Priest Bound Homeward) (Hokkien) , 138 送僧歸日本 (Farewell to a Japanese Buddhist Priest Bound Homeward) (Teochow) , 139 谷口書齋寄楊補闕 (From my Study at the Mouth of the Valley, a Message to Censor Yang) (Hokkien) , 139 谷口書齋寄楊補闕 (From my Study at the Mouth of the Valley. a Message to Censor Yang) (Teochow) , 140 淮上喜會梁川故人 (A Greeting on the Huai River to my Old Friends from Liangchuan) (Hokkien) , 140 淮上喜會梁川故人 (A Greeting on the Huai River to my Old Friends from Liangchuan) (Teochow) , 141 賦得暮雨送李冑 (A Farewell in the Evening Rain to Li Cao) (Hokkien) , 141 賦得暮雨送李冑 (A Farewell in the Evening Rain to Li Cao) (Teochow) , 142 酬程延秋夜即事見贈 (An Autumn Evening Harmonizing Cheng Qin’s Poem) (Hokkien) , 142 酬程延秋夜即事見贈 (An Autumn Evening Harmonizing Cheng Qin’s Poem) (Teochow) , 144 江鄉故人偶集客舍 (Chancing on Old Friends in a Village Inn) (Hokkien) , 144 江鄉故人偶集客舍 (Chancing on Old Friends in a Village Inn) (Teochow) , 146 喜見外弟又言別 (A Brief But Happy Meeting with my Brother-in Law) (Hokkien) , 146 喜見外弟又言別 (A Brief But Happy Meeting with my Brother-in Law) (Teochow) , 147 雲陽館與韓紳宿別 (A Farewell to Han Shen at the Yunyang Inn) (Hokkien) , 147 雲陽館與韓紳宿別 (A Farewell to Han Shen at the Yunyang Inn) (Teochow) , 148 喜外弟盧綸見宿 (When Lu Lun my Cousin Comes for the Night) (Cantonese) , 148 喜外弟盧綸見宿 (When Lu Lun my Cousin Comes for the Night) (Hokkien) , 148 喜外弟盧綸見宿 (When Lu Lun my Cousin Comes for the Night) (Teochow) , 149 賊平後送人北歸 (To a Friend Bound North After the Rebellion) (Cantonese) , 149 賊平後送人北歸 (To a Friend Bound North After the Rebellion) (Hokkien) , 149 賊平後送人北歸 (To a Friend Bound North After the Rebellion) (Teochow) , 150 蜀先主廟 (In the Temple of the First King of Shu) (Mandarin V2) , 150 蜀先主廟 (In the Temple of the First King of Shu) (Cantonese) , 150 蜀先主廟 (In the Temple of the First King of Shu) (Hokkien) , 150 蜀先主廟 (In the Temple of the First King of Shu) (Teochow) , 151 沒蕃故人 (Thinking of a Friend Lost in the Tibetan War) (Hokkien) , 151 沒蕃故人 (Thinking of a Friend Lost in the Tibetan War) (Teochow) , 154 秋日赴闕題潼關驛樓 (Inscribed in the Inn at Tong Gate on an Autumn Trip to the Capital) (Hokkien) , 154 秋日赴闕題潼關驛樓 (Inscribed in the Inn at Tong Gate on an Autumn Trip to the Capital) (Teochow) , 163 楚江懷古 (Thoughts of Old Time on the Chu River) (Hokkien) , 163 楚江懷古 (Thoughts of Old Time on the Chu River) (Teochow) , 137 新年作 (New Year’s at Changsha) (Teochow) , 138 送僧歸日本 (Farewell to a Japanese Buddhist Priest Bound Homeward) (Mandarin) , 139 谷口書齋寄楊補闕 (From my Study at the Mouth of the Valley, a Message to Censor Yang) (Mandarin) , 140 淮上喜會梁川故人 (A Greeting on the Huai River to my Old Friends from Liangchuan) (Mandarin) , 141 賦得暮雨送李冑 (A Farewell in the Evening Rain to Li Cao) (Mandarin) , 142 酬程延秋夜即事見贈 (An Autumn Evening Harmonizing Cheng Qin’s Poem) (Mandarin) , 143 闕題 (A Poem) (Hokkien) , 143 闕題 (A Poem) (Mandarin) , 143 闕題 (A Poem) (Teochow) , 144 江鄉故人偶集客舍 (Chancing on Old Friends in a Village Inn) (Mandarin) , 145 李端公 (A Farewell to Li Duan) (Hokkien) , 145 李端公 (A Farewell to Li Duan) (Mandarin) , 145 李端公 (A Farewell to Li Duan) (Teochow) , 146 喜見外弟又言別 (A Brief But Happy Meeting with my Brother-in Law) (Mandarin) , 147 雲陽館與韓紳宿別 (A Farewell to Han Shen at the Yunyang Inn) (Mandarin) , 148 喜外弟盧綸見宿 (When Lu Lun my Cousin Comes for the Night) (Mandarin) , 149 賊平後送人北歸 (To a Friend Bound North After the Rebellion) (Mandarin) , 150 蜀先主廟 (In the Temple of the First King of Shu) (Mandarin) , 151 沒蕃故人 (Thinking of a Friend Lost in the Tibetan War) (Mandarin) , 152 賦得古原草送別 (Grasses) (Hokkien) , 152 賦得古原草送別 (Grasses) (Mandarin) , 152 賦得古原草送別 (Grasses) (Teochow) , 153 旅宿 (A Night at a Tavern) (Hokkien) , 153 旅宿 (A Night at a Tavern) (Mandarin) , 153 旅宿 (A Night at a Tavern) (Teochow) , 154 秋日赴闕題潼關驛樓 (Inscribed in the Inn at Tong Gate on an Autumn Trip to the Capital) (Mandarin) , 155 早秋 (Early Autumn) (Hokkien) , 155 早秋 (Early Autumn) (Mandarin) , 155 早秋 (Early Autumn) (Teochow) , 156 蟬 (A Cicada) (Hokkien) , 156 蟬 (A Cicada) (Mandarin) , 156 蟬 (A Cicada) (Teochow) , 157 風雨 (Wind and Rain) (Hokkien) , 157 風雨 (Wind and Rain) (Mandarin) , 157 風雨 (Wind and Rain) (Teochow) , 158 落花 (Falling Petals) (Hokkien) , 158 落花 (Falling Petals) (Mandarin) , 158 落花 (Falling Petals) (Teochow) , 159 涼思 (Thoughts in the Cold) (Hokkien) , 159 涼思 (Thoughts in the Cold) (Mandarin) , 159 涼思 (Thoughts in the Cold) (Teochow) , 160 北青蘿 (North Among Green Vines) (Hokkien) , 160 北青蘿 (North Among Green Vines) (Mandarin) , 160 北青蘿 (North Among Green Vines) (Teochow) , 161 送人東遊 (To a Friend Bound East) (Hokkien) , 161 送人東遊 (To a Friend Bound East) (Mandarin) , 161 送人東遊 (To a Friend Bound East) (Teochow) , 162 灞上秋居 (An Autumn Cottage at Bashang) (Hokkien) , 162 灞上秋居 (An Autumn Cottage at Bashang) (Mandarin) , 162 灞上秋居 (An Autumn Cottage at Bashang) (Teochow) , 163 楚江懷古 (Thoughts of Old Time on the Chu River) (Mandarin) , 164 書邊事 (On the Border) (Hokkien) , 164 書邊事 (On the Border) (Mandarin) , 164 書邊事 (On the Border) (Teochow) , 165 巴山道中除夜有懷 (On New Year’s Eve) (Hokkien) , 165 巴山道中除夜有懷 (On New Year’s Eve) (Mandarin) , 165 巴山道中除夜有懷 (On New Year’s Eve) (Teochow) , 166 孤雁 (A Solitary Wild Goose) (Hokkien) , 166 孤雁 (A Solitary Wild Goose) (Mandarin) , 166 孤雁 (A Solitary Wild Goose) (Teochow) , 167 春宮怨 (A Sigh in the Spring Palace) (Hokkien) , 167 春宮怨 (A Sigh in the Spring Palace) (Mandarin) , 167 春宮怨 (A Sigh in the Spring Palace) (Teochow) , 168 章臺夜思 (A Night Thought on Terrace Tower) (Hokkien) , 168 章臺夜思 (A Night Thought on Terrace Tower) (Mandarin) , 168 章臺夜思 (A Night Thought on Terrace Tower) (Teochow) , 169 尋陸鴻漸不遇 (Not Finding Lu Hongxian at Home) (Hokkien) , 169 尋陸鴻漸不遇 (Not Finding Lu Hongxian at Home) (Mandarin) , 169 尋陸鴻漸不遇 (Not Finding Lu Hongxian at Home) (Teochow)