The Romance of Modern Chemistry

by James C. PHILIP (1873 - 1941)

Natural Waters, and What They May Contain

The Romance of Modern Chemistry

A fascinating look back at the state of the art of chemistry 100 years ago, this book by James C. Philip, PhD, an assistant professor of chemistry at The Imperial College of Science and Technology, Kensington, provides a "description in non-technical language of the diverse and wonderful way which chemical forces are at work, and their manifold application in modern life" in 1910. Professor Philip relates many of the key chemical discoveries of early academic researchers in the context of the practical uses to which these discoveries were applied in the early 20th century. (summary by J. M. Smallheer)

Listen next episodes of The Romance of Modern Chemistry:
Below Zero , Chemical Changes which Produce Light and Heat , Chemistry and Electricity , Chemistry at High Temperatures , Chemistry of Agriculture , Chemistry of the Stars , Explosions and Explosives , Fats and Oils , Flame: What is It? , From Solutions to Crystals , Great Effects from Small Causes , How Fire is Made , How Man Competes with Nature , How Trifling Observations Lead to Great Discoveries , More About Fuel , Nature's Stores of Fuels , Some Interesting Facts about Solutions , Sugar and Starch , The Adulteration of Food , The Value of the By-product , Valuable Substances from Unlikely Sources