The Animal Story Book

by VARIOUS ( - )

Two Highland Dogs by Miss Goodrich Freer

The Animal Story Book

Edited by Andrew Lang, this book is an anthology of interesting stories about a wide variety of diffferent animals collected from numerous sources. - Summary by Elsie Selwyn

Listen next episodes of The Animal Story Book:
A Gazelle: Passages in the Life of a Tortoise by Alexandre Dumas; translated by Miss Blackley , A Raven's Funeral by Mrs. Lang , A Strange Tiger by William Bingley , Beasts Besieged by Théophile Gautier , Builders and Weavers by Mrs. Lang , Bungey by Mr. Jesse , Cockatoo Stories , Dogs Over the Water by Mrs. Lang , Dolphins at Play by Pliny , Dolphins, Turtles, and Cod: Stories from Audubon by Robert Williams Buchanan , Eccentric Bird Builders by Mr. Jones , Fire-eating Djijam , Grateful Dogs by Mr. Bartells , Halcyons and Their Biographers by Mrs. Lang , ‘Hame, Hame, Hame, Where I Fain Wad Be' by Mrs. Lang , How the Cayman Was Killed by Charles Waterton , Lions and Their Ways by William Bingley , Madame Théophile and the Parrot by Théophile Gautier , Monkey Stories by Mrs. Lang , Monkey Tricks and Sally at the Zoo , More About Elephants by James Emerson Tennent , ‘More Faithful than Favoured’ by Miss Eleanor Sellar , Mr. Bolt, the Scotch Terrier by Mr. Jesse , Mr. Gully by Miss Elspeth Campbell , Nests for Dinner by Mrs. Lang , Of the Linnet, Popinjay, or Parrot, and Other Birds That Can Speak by Mrs. Lang , Owls and Marmots & Eagles' Nests by Mrs. Lang , Patch and the Chickens by Miss A. M. Alleyne , Signora and Lori , Still Waters Run Deep; Or the Dancing Dog by Théophile Gautier , Stories About Lions by Mrs. Lang , Stories from Pliny: How Dogs Love by Pliny , The Battle of the Mullets and the Dolphins by Mrs. Lang , The Capocier and His Mate by Mrs. Lang , The Fierce Falcon by Charles St. John , The History of Jacko I by Alexandre Dumas; translated by Miss Blackley , The Otter Who Was Reared By a Cat , The Ship of the Desert by Johann Ludwig Burckhardt , The Starling of Segringen by Johann Peter Hebel; translated by Mr. Bartells , The Story of a Frog by Miss Blackley , The Story of Fido by Miss A. M. Alleyne , The Story of the Dog Oscar by Miss A. M. Alleyne , The Strange History of Cagnotte by Théophile Gautier , The Woodpecker Tapping on the Hollow Oak Tree by Mrs. Lang , Theo and His Horses; Jane, Betsy, and Blanche by Théophile Gautier