Nevi'im (JPSA) 06: Joshua


Division of the land among the tribes (chapters 14 through 16)

Nevi'im (JPSA) 06: Joshua

The Book of Joshua (Yehoshua) is the first of the former prophets and the beginning of Nevi’im. The book of Joshua retells the conquest of Canaan and the division of the land among the Twelve Tribes. The conclusion includes Joshua’s address to the people and the witnessing of his death and burial. - Summary by Wikipedia and Linette Geisel

Listen next episodes of Nevi'im (JPSA) 06: Joshua:
Cities of refuge, summary of conquest and de-commissioning of the eastern tribes (chapters 20 through 22) , Conclusion, Joshua’s farewell address, covenant at Shechem, Joseph’s burial (chapters 23 and 24) , Division of the land, continued (chapters 17 through 19)