Magna Carta Commemoration Essays

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Magna Carta, 1215 - 1915

Magna Carta Commemoration Essays

On 15th June 1215 the Magna Carta was sealed under oath by King John at Runnymede, on the bank of the River Thames near Windsor, England. 2015 is the 800th anniversary of this charter, which led eventually to the rule of constitutional law in England and beyond. This book of essays on various aspects of the Charter was written by distinguished academics for the Royal Historical Society to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Magna Carta. N. B. The readers in this project are not scholars of mediaeval Latin or French. Where there are passages or phrases of Latin and Old French, we have endeavoured to make them clear, but make no claim to authentic pronunciation. (Summary by Ruth Golding)

Listen next episodes of Magna Carta Commemoration Essays:
Barons and Knights in the Great Charter Pt. 2 , The Influence of Magna Carta on American Constitutional Development Pts. II - IV , Financial Records of the Reign of King John Pt. 2 , Financial Records of the Reign of King John Pt. 3 , Financial Records of the Reign of King John Pt. 4 , Barons and Knights in the Great Charter Pt.1 , Clause 39: Nullus Liber Homo etc. , Financial Records of the Reign of King John Pt. 1 , Innocent III and the Charter , Magna Carta and Spanish Medieval Jurisprudence , Magna Carta and the Common Law Pt. 1 , Magna Carta and the Common Law Pt. 2 , Magna Carta and the Common Law Pt. 3 , Magna Carta and the Common Law Pt. 4 , Per Iudicium Parium vel per Legem Terrae , The Influence of Magna Carta on American Constitutional Development Pt. I