Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 1 (1868-1890)

by Oscar WILDE (1854 - 1900)

To Mrs Julian Hawthorne, 12 Feb. 1882

Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 1 (1868-1890)

This first collection of the correspondence of Oscar Wilde begins with the Irish playwright's earliest extant letter, thanking his mother for the hamper she had sent to him at school. It includes letters about his travels in Italy, his American lecture tour, the staging of his first play (Vera, or the Nihilists), arrangements for the publication of a friend's poetry collection, and exchanges in the press with artist James McNeill Whistler. The letters, some of which have been excerpted or redacted, are sourced from auction catalogues, newspapers, biographies, and other texts in the public domain. For a complete collection of Wilde's letters, please see "The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde," (2000) edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart-Davis. - Summary by Rob Marland

Listen next episodes of Letters of Oscar Wilde, Volume 1 (1868-1890):
To J. M. Stoddart , To J. M. Stoddart , To J. M. Stoddart, May 1882 , To Colonel W. F. Morse (version 2) , To the editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, 15 Jan. 1886 , Constance Lloyd to Oscar Wilde , Constance Lloyd to Oscar Wilde, 11 Nov. 1883 , Exchange with J. M. Whistler , Exchange with J. M. Whistler, 24 Feb. 1885 , Exchange with J. M. Whistler, Nov. 1886 , Rennell Rodd to Oscar Wilde , To Alice Corkran, c. Nov 1888 , To an unidentified correspondent (re: advice for an aspiring writer) , To Colonel W. F. Morse , To Colonel W. F. Morse, c. 21 Mar. 1882 (version 1) , To Colonel W. F. Morse, c. Sept. 1882 (version 1) , To Colonel W. F. Morse, Mar. 1882 , To Colonel W. F. Morse (version 2) , To Edward Heron-Allen, 17 Oct. 1887 , To Edwin Palmer , To J. M. Stoddart , To J. M. Stoddart, 17 Apr. 1882 , To J. M. Stoddart, May 1882 , To Joaquin Miller , To John Brodrick , To Leonard Smithers , To Marie Prescott , To Marie Prescott, 12 Aug. 1883 , To Miss Kenealy , To Mr Appleton , To Mrs Bernard Beere , To Mrs Bernard Beere, c. Jan. 1889 , To Mrs Hamilton King, 31 Oct. 1887 , To Mrs Moore , To Richard D'Oyly Carte , To Richard D'Oyly Carte, 16 Mar. 1882 , To Richard D'Oyly Carte, c. Apr. 1882 , To Richard Le Gallienne, 16 Apr. 1889 , To Robert Sherard , To Samuel Ward, Oct. 1882 , To the editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, 14 Oct. 1884 (re: women's dress) , To the editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, 30 Mar. 1885 , To the editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, 5 Nov. 1886 (re: Swinburne) , To the editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, 8 Feb. 1886 (re: book recommendations) , To the editor of Truth, 9 Jan. 1890 (re: J M. Whistler) , To Thomas Hutchinson, 13 July 1888 , To Walter Hamilton, 29 Jan. 1889