Atlantic Classics

by VARIOUS ( - )

Car-Window Botany By Lida F. Baldwin

Atlantic Classics

The Atlantic was a popular periodical with a wide range of essays and stories. In an effort to remain current, many strong and valid submissions ended up being pushed aside. The Atlantic Classic was an experimental publication, drawing on some sixteen of these good but rejected essays. - Summary by Lynne Thompson

Listen next episodes of Atlantic Classics:
A Memory of Old Gentlemen By Sharlot M. Hall (1870-1943) , Haunted Lives By Laura Spencer Portor (1872-1957) , In Praise of Old Ladies By Lucy Martin Donnelly(1870-1948) , Studies in Solitude By Fannie Stearns Gifford , The Acropolis and Golgotha By Anne C. E. Allinson , The Baptizing of the Baby By Elizabeth Taylor (1856-1932) , The Greek Genius By John Jay Chapman (1862-1933) , Viola's Lovers: A Study in the New Morality By Richard Bowland Kimball