Search results for: accessibility

Showing 20 results (161 - 180) of 14987 total

Secure Access

Podcast | Defense in Depth | 22:53

Published: July 30, 2020, 1 p.m.

Category: Technology

b'All links and images for this episode can be found on CISO Series ( What is the Holy Grail of secure access? There are many options, all of which are being strained by our new work from home model. Are we currently at the max? Check out this post\\xa0for the discussion that is the basis of our conversation on this week\\u2019s episode co-hosted by me,\\xa0David Spark\\xa0(@dspark), the producer of\\xa0CISO Series\\xa0and\\xa0Allan Alford\\xa0(@AllanAlfordinTX).\\xa0Our sponsored guest is Rohini Kasturi, chief product officer, Pulse Secure. Thanks to this week\\u2019s podcast sponsor, Pulse Secure. Pulse\\xa0Secure\\xa0offers easy, comprehensive solutions that provide visibility and seamless, protected connectivity for hybrid IT in a Zero Trust world. Over 24,000 enterprises entrust\\xa0Pulse\\xa0Secure\\xa0to empower their mobile workforce to securely access applications and information in the data center and cloud while ensuring business compliance. On this episode of Defense in Depth, you\\u2019ll learn: Multiple technologies, such as VPN, split-tunnel VPN, VDI, SASE, EDR, and secure management, are used in attempts to insure secure access. But given that secure access isn\'t just about managing endpoints, but users, you also have to look at IAM. We look to conditional access to provide more support than just full VPN access. Argument that we are moving away from endpoints to identity as that\'s the new perimeter. SASE solution blocks by default, instead of allows by default, and requires permission for access. User is secured dynamically based on a combination of identity and device. Would be great if secure access solutions were universal, but they vary country by country based on costs, availability, and regulations. Secure access models must be user experience first. One possible play that works in this way is IAM + SASE + EDR + secure management. Another factor that prevents the one-size fits all model for secure access is the complexity of stacks. '

Web Accessibility

Podcast | Ladybug Podcast | 51:31

Published: Oct. 19, 2020, 7 a.m.

Category: Technology

b'Accessibility is the process of creating applications that are usable by everyone, especially focusing on those with disabilities. As web developers, it\\u2019s important that we design and build our applications to be usable by everyone, so in today\\u2019s episode, we\\u2019re joined by Wendy Fox, the design systems lead at LogMeIn, to discuss nine common pitfalls of application accessibility and what you can do to fix them.\\nShow Notes\\n\\n4:46 - Why should we care about accessibility?\\n8:43 - Types of accessibility\\n12:24 - Semantic HTML\\n16:37 - Virtually hiding content\\n17:57 - Aria label vs. labelledby\\n21:14 - The accessibility tree\\n23:50 - Focus states\\n27:29 - Color contrast\\n32:04 - Keyboard traps\\n35:02 - Animations\\n37:38 - Time based content\\n41:21 - Placeholders vs. labels\\n47:02 - Accessibility tools\\n\\nTools\\n\\nWendy Fox Twitter\\nGoogle Lighthouse\\nAxe accessibility checker\\n\\nTranscript\\nHere is the transcript for this week\'s episode.'

Accessible Pharmacy.

Podcast | Wednesday Coffee Club | 1:59:48

Published: Jan. 6, 2021, 8:37 p.m.

Category: Technology

b'the Orbit Writer.\\n\\nBlind tech guys give you lots of sources to learn Android. Braille or tape? How do you take notes? \\n\\nAccessible Pharmacy a new pharmacy for blind people. Drugs will be labeled accessibly. 215-799-9900 accessible'

Access denied

Podcast | | 46:14

Published: June 15, 2020, 6 a.m.

Category: Technology

b' Hosted on Acast. See for more information.'

Access: Granted!

Podcast | Blue Ridge Community Church Sermons | 36:44

Published: April 3, 2011, 3 p.m.

Category: Other

There's a difference between confidence and carelessness. How do you approach God in prayer? In your life? With others? An accurate view of God's holiness obliterates any confidence we might have in approaching Him. Except for this: the veil was torn!

Great Access

Podcast | Harvest Community Church - 326551

Published: Feb. 28, 2016, 7:30 p.m.

Category: religion

Come down front. Come back stage. Come to the after party. Come by faith. #greataccess

Mobile Accessibility

Podcast | TyfloPodcast

Published: June 8, 2012, 2 p.m.

Category: Technology

b'Rafa\\u0142 Kiwak prezentuje ten zestaw ud\\u017awi\\u0119kowionych aplikacji dla systemu Android.'

All Access

Podcast | Young Adults Video Podcast | 35:51

Published: July 9, 2014, 1 a.m.

Category: Other

Access Granted!

Podcast | Discussions With Deborah | 26:44

Published: Jan. 28, 2021, 11:16 p.m.

Category: Education

b'When you go to the ATM you must know your PIN to get access to all that is in your deposit. This SAME access process applies to getting all you are suppose to have in life. You have the P.I.N(purpose ingniting number), just use it! Listen in to learn how to gain access!'

10. Accessibility

Podcast | The Boagworld Web Show | 36:48

Published: Oct. 24, 2005, 1:05 a.m.

Category: Business

b'On this life-changing episode of (Okay, so I have delusions of grandeur), we look at the subject of web accessibility. What is it? Why it is important? And how to decide just how accessible your site needs to be.'

171. Access

Podcast | The Boagworld Web Show | 1:06:00

Published: June 24, 2009, 12:37 a.m.

Category: Business

b'On this week\\u2019s show: Ryan and Paul talk to Robin Christopherson from Abilitynet about web accessibility and Dave shares Headscape\\u2019s experiences of moving to Google Apps.'

Access Granted

Podcast | And So I Speak | 3:09

Published: Nov. 11, 2016, 4:51 p.m.

Category: Arts

Accessing Connectivity

Podcast | Spirits Path Podcast | 20:47

Published: March 22, 2021, 10 p.m.

Category: Health

Accessing  connectivity and intuition by removing environmental stressors. 

Access Denied

Podcast | First Five | 27:03

Published: Aug. 3, 2017, 5:10 p.m.

Category: News

b'Journalists are supposed to serve as "watchdogs" on the government. But how do they get access to the information they need to do that? In this episode, we talk to Buzzfeed lawyer Nabiha Syed about "freedom of information" laws with --which are often the secret to learning government secrets.'

Election Accessibility

Podcast | Madison Votes | 26:26

Published: Sept. 22, 2020, 1 p.m.

Category: Government

b'Voters Randy Black and Virginia Black talk about accessible voting options and the important of ensuring that every voter can cast a secret ballot.'

Access to Origin

Podcast | Painless English | 3:58

Published: Sept. 27, 2015, 5:32 p.m.

Category: Education


Podcast | EntreEmpresarios, “La Plataforma Que Nos Une” Agencia B2B. | 7:25

Published: Nov. 3, 2020, 3:12 a.m.

Category: News

b'Conocen la terapia de herramientas verbales y corporales que nos permiten cambiar y ayudar nuestro entorno, llamada ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS? Bienvenidos a nuestro nuevo episodio.\\nRecibamos a la Ingeniero Civil Mar\\xeda Auxiliadora Medina @mariaux72 con maestr\\xeda y doctorado en Ciencias de la Educaci\\xf3n experiencia en el \\xe1rea de proyectos, docente universitario, tutor y jurado evaluador en trabajos y tesis de grado en pregrado y postgrado. Ponente en jornadas de investigaci\\xf3n nacionales e internacionales y organizador de eventos acad\\xe9micos de car\\xe1cter nacional e internacional. Ha ejercido funciones como Decana de la facultad de Ingenier\\xeda, vicerrectora acad\\xe9mica y secretaria general de la Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua en Venezuela. Fue directora de admisi\\xf3n y registro en Florida Global University (USA) y actualmente es Decana de ingenier\\xeda en la misma universidad norteamericana. Destacan sus competencias en el campo de la Gerencia, Gesti\\xf3n Acad\\xe9mica, Curr\\xedculo, Supervisi\\xf3n educativa.\\nPosee formaci\\xf3n en terapias alternativas, concentrando sus estudios en Bioenerg\\xeda, Reiki, Biomagnetismo, Thetahealing es asesora en emprendimiento de nuevos negocios, actualmente culmin\\xf3 el Diplomado en Resiliencia en el Instituto Iberoamericano Paulo Freire M\\xe9xico. Es practicante (BP) facilitadora de Barra de Access (BF) y practicante de procesos de cuerpo.\\n\\u201cUniverso como puedes contribuirme hoy para ser Abundante, para prestar un servicio de calidad, \\xbfQu\\xe9 energ\\xedas requieres de mi hoy? Todo tiene conciencia Junior y si le hacemos preguntas, ella nos responde, te invito a experiementar a probar lo maravillosas que son estas herramientas para vivir en FACILIDAD, GOZO Y GLORIA\\u201d.\\nAgradecimiento a Solo Venezuela Radio Miami, a WTC Radio Valencia-Venezuela por la edici\\xf3n y montaje.\\nSomos una plataforma de ASISTENTES VIRTUALES un recurso externo para las compa\\xf1\\xedas que de forma remota estamos trabajando para cada uno de nuestros clientes buscando y encontrando esas oportunidades de negocios que solo se encuentran en la internet cuando se dedican a buscarlas, haciendo que se multipliquen sus ingresos y se mantengan en el mundo empresarial donde apuntan. CONSULTA m\\xe1s informaci\\xf3n.\\n#SomosDiferentes #SomosEntreEmpresarios #ACCESSCONSIOUSNESS #accessbars #barrasdeaccessmaracay #terapiasalternativas #terapiasholisticas #terapiasnaturales #Terapeuta #Energia #Planeta #Espiritu #ConversandoConMaria #UniversoMuestrame'

Mission Accessibility

Podcast | MY OT Journey | 29:36

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, 1 p.m.

Category: Science

b'First-year students from the Iona College MSOT program, Madeline List and Taylor Alvarez interview Michele Morgante OTD, OTR/L on Mission Accessibility. Mission Accessibility is an initiative being taken at Iona College to research campus accessibility and innovatively navigate structural challenges to improve the college experience for all students. Dr. Morgante explains some of the ways her students have been conducting research on campus and utilizing entrepreneurial and design thinking.'

Accessing credit

Podcast | Talking Wealth Podcast: Stock Market Trading and Investing Education | Wealth Creation | Expert Shar | 3:32

Published: Sept. 18, 2008, 1:56 a.m.

Category: Business

b'This week Janine Cox discusses how companies are finding it tough to access credit.'

Accessibility to Innovation

Podcast | Reshape Digital | 15:15

Published: June 3, 2019, 12:54 p.m.

Category: Business

National Accessibility Week special. Why should organizations design for accessibility? Today, we discuss some of the innovations that have resulted from designing a more inclusive web, and how your organization can do the same.