ZC 76 - The Task Test

Published: Sept. 2, 2021, 10 p.m.


We are starting a new season! In this episode I\'m going solo to discuss about something we should do to effectively grow our business.


For every task we do, we want to ask the question if it is an efficient use of our time. I\\u2019ve found that using this \\u201cTask Test\\u201d makes it easy to figure out if we should be doing this task.




Is this task actually useful? Does it make a drastic change in your business when it is done? Will nothing happen if it never gets done again? If so, ELIMINATE THE TASK! Just stop doing it.




Was the task not eliminated in the last round? Good. It\\u2019s time to AUTOMATE IT! Find some software that will do it for you. They are faster, cheaper, and more reliable.




If this task was not eliminated or automated, find someone who can do this task for you. Someone somewhere can do it just as well or better than you. Delegate it to that person.




If this task couldn\\u2019t be eliminated, automated, or delegated, you need to find or create a resource that will allow you to hand it off. You need to ELEVATE yourself or your team to get this done.


ZC 57 \\u2013 WHY You Should Hire Your First Part-Time Employee


ZC 58 \\u2013 How to Hire the Best Virtual Assistants


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