Skyrocket B2B Lead Generation with Amazing Content and Social Media

Published: June 15, 2016, 9:52 p.m.

b'What is the most important part of your job as a B2B marketer or business development professional in the tech space today? Generating leads! They are the lifeblood of your business model and the food that feeds your revenue pipeline. It\\u2019s a lot like a restaurant: Marketers get the public to take notice and walk through the front door, business development gets them to sit at the table and sales takes their order and serves them their dinner. But if the marketers can\\u2019t find potential customers with an appetite, there will be no sales.\\nB2B lead generation is dependent on good digital marketing strategies. Inbound marketing has the staying power of unlimited presence and searchability on the web, whereas outbound marketing is usually time-restricted, expiring when the budgeted funds run out. That\\u2019s why you need a good strategy that helps you find the best prospects. If done right, your digital marketing can net you targeted audiences and response to conversion. Here are some tips to follow when deciding how to structure your B2B lead generation approaches:\\nBe a Social Media Wizard!\\nSocial marketing can be a powerful tool, if done correctly and if platforms are chosen wisely\\u2026.\\n\\n\\n \\tChoose an effective social platform. Social media is a sea of potential. There have been many studies done in the B2B space about the effectiveness of social media in B2B lead generation. Some reports proclaim excellent lead conversion on sites like Facebook and Twitter, and some warn against the waste of advertising dollars on these platforms due to non-targeted click-throughs and inflated analytics. The overwhelming consensus is that social media is an excellent medium for outreach, generating much discussion and brand awareness\\u2014but very few actionable leads. Out of all the social platforms, LinkedIn is far and away the best for B2B lead generation. It\\u2019s the site where you should focus your digital marketing efforts. Although there is plenty of casual social chatter and personal posting bubbling up on LinkedIn these days, it has remained very focused on B2B connections and communications. The percentage of external non-business content represents only a small fraction of the cat pictures and infernal \\u201cI\\u2019m at Starbucks!\\u201d selfies on Twitter and Facebook. LinkedIn remains a viable source of genuine lead-generation potential. Two tips to using it correctly:\\n\\n \\tBe active. Once you establish a presence on LinkedIn (whether through your personal profile as a thought leader or through your company page) remain active and engaging. Post articles to Pulse, share articles written by others that you find relevant and can tie back to your own content, and comment on related postings and articles. Engage in conversation. Make sure you don\\u2019t let several days or weeks go by without making some kind of a mark. Inconsistency will only cause you to be overshadowed and pushed down the page by those who post regular writings and commentary.\\n \\tJoin groups. The best, and quickest, way to find a target audience is to research and join discussion groups that are formed around central topics pertinent to the content you are creating and sharing. This puts you in a more intimate space of communication and engagement, and can be an excellent form of B2B lead generation by attracting interest from a) potential prospects or b) influencers whose ear you might catch and who can help get you additional attention by commenting on your behalf.\\n\\n\\n \\tAllow newsletter signups via your social media presence. Newsletters have always been an effective method of B2B lead generation, but finding engaged subscribers has been a bit of a struggle. Why add scraped contacts from database queries and add them \\u201ccold\\u201d to your newsletter distribution when you can have \\u201cwarm\\u201d recipients actively opt in via social media registrations and collect leads that are ready to talk to you?\\n \\tDistribute video content as tech talks. YouTube, with over 1 billion viewers,'