Murder Pays

Published: Jan. 11, 2024, 2:12 p.m.


LIFE INSURANCE FRAUD FOR FUN & PROFIT\\n\\n"This following is a Fictionalized True Crime Story of Insurance Fraud \\nfrom an Expert who explains why Insurance Fraud is a \\u201cHeads I Win, Tails\\n You Lose\\u201d situation for Insurers. The story is one of many designed to \\nhelp the public Understand How Insurance Fraud in America is Costing \\nEveryone who Buys Insurance Thousands of Dollars Every year and Why \\nInsurance Fraud is Safer and More Profitable for the \\xad\\xad\\xadPerpetrators \\nthan any Other Crime."\\n\\u201cGeorge,\\u201d Adam said, \\u201cThe only way we can get out of this financial mess\\n is our life insurance policies.\\u201d\\n\\n\\u201cI don\\u2019t want to die to collect,\\u201d George said.\\n\\n\\u201cNeither do I,\\u201d Adam replied. \\u201cBut I still want to collect.\\u201d\\n\\n\\u201cDo you propose to murder me.\\u201d\\n\\n\\u201cNo, George, I propose that we find a homeless person who physically \\nresembles one of us and kill him. We can plant identification on the \\ncorpse and then share in the $6,000,000 double indemnity payment.\\u201d\\n\\n\\u201cMy,\\u201d replied George, \\u201cthat\\u2019s a brilliant, although evil and criminal, \\nplan.\\u201d\\n\\n\\u201cI see no other way out. It\\u2019s either the death of a useless human being \\nor total financial catastrophe for us.\\u201d\\n\\n\\u201cAdam, they have a death penalty in this state.\\u201d\\n\\n\\u201cSo, what, the plan is perfect. No one will know. We\\u2019ll retire in \\nluxury.\\u201d\\n\\n\\u201cOkay, I\\u2019ll go along with it, but I don\\u2019t like it. This is dangerous.\\u201d\\n\\nThe partners began to travel skid row. They needed a homeless person who\\n physically resembled one of them in height, weight and coloring. It \\ntook them a week to find the right person. They befriended him with a \\nbottle of wine and a free meal. They told him that they had just \\ncompleted a twelve-step program and part of that program was to help a \\nperson in need. Together, they took the homeless person to Adam\\u2019s house.\\n The partners washed off the grime in Adam\\u2019s massive master bath, \\ndressed him in Adam\\u2019s clothes, and outfitted him with accessories until \\nhe looked like a Century City lawyer about to meet an important client.\\n\\nAlthough she considered Adam to be a prodigious lover, the young lady \\nwas more interested in cash than love. From the hotel, she drove \\ndirectly to the West Los Angeles station of the Los Angeles Police \\nDepartment and introduced herself to a detective. She knew that a life \\ninsurance claim had been made and wanted the police to know that the \\nperson whose murder they were investigating was presently sound asleep \\nin his hotel room at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills.\\n\\nShe explained to them how Adam, after twenty minutes of horizontal \\nRhumba, explained to her how he had defrauded an insurance company out \\nof $6,000,000. She explained to the police that she would never be a \\nparty to such a crime and wanted it noted in their report that she was \\nthe source of the information and the person to whom any rewards posted \\nby the insurance company should be paid.\\n\\nAdam and George were arrested and tried for the murder of Fuzzy as well \\nas several counts of insurance fraud. The testimony of the young lady, \\nthe presence of Adam and the Los Angeles Airport recording of George\\u2019s \\nlicense plate on entry and exit from the airport parking lot made their \\ndefense impossible. They were convicted.\\n\\nAdam and George are now spending the remainder of their lives in the \\nState Penitentiary.\\n\\nThe insurer recovered $4,000,000 of the $6,000,000 (George and Adam had \\nlived well for that year and a half) and paid the lustful young woman a \\n$400,000 reward. She lived happily ever after.\\n\\nAdapted from my book, Insurance Fraud Costs Everyone\\n\\n\\n(c) 2024 Barry Zalma & ClaimSchool, Inc.\\n\\nPlease tell your friends and colleagues about this blog and the videos \\nand let them subscribe to the blog and the videos.\\n\\nSubscribe to my substack at \\n\\n\\n\\nGo to\\xa0\\n\\n\\nGo to X @bzalma; Gnce-claims-library.


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