Elderly Clients with Rick Kagawa

Published: Jan. 27, 2017, 1 a.m.

b'Today\\u2019s episode we are doing something a bit differently. Instead of the normal format, we have our first case study to share with you.\\xa0Rick Kagawa from Capital Resources\\xa0joins us to\\xa0share with you a\\xa0real\\xa0client situation he dealt with and\\xa0his insights from working the\\xa0emotional case with\\xa0his elderly clients.\\n Elder abuse is an important topic for professional financial planners to be aware of and not afraid of.\\n\\n\\u201cThere\\u2019s more than the money involved. There\\u2019s a lot of emotions\\u2026 Life is what it is and you shouldn\\u2019t judge it.\\u201d\\nThe Number: What Do You Need \\u2026\\xa0by Lee Eisenberg\\nSusan Bradley, CFP\\xae'