Episode 96 – Giving Focused Service

Published: July 8, 2020, 2 p.m.

I'm here to tell you from the deepest sincere part of my heart, that it is absolutely possible for you to have your ultimate life. Now, you have to dig in your own heart and decide how you want to define that.  - Kellan Fluckiger 

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What you are about to learn: 

What is a service? 

Service is an intentional action that you do to benefit or bless somebody else's life. It can be as simple as boy scout thing helping an older person across the street or carrying groceries. And there's nothing wrong with going around doing some nice things. It is a place to start with. But my goal and the thing I focus on every day are how I can conduct my life in a way that serves others.

Focused Service… How? 

If I provide a service to others, I need to know something about them. Focused service requires some knowledge. I need to know a little bit about that person's situation or circumstance to see what might benefit them.

So that requires a couple of things, that I get to know someone a little bit. That requires asking questions, and it requires that I listen and pay attention. If I do that for a couple of hours, I might know something that would serve that person. And it's focused because I've listened and asked enough questions that I know are going to be useful and helpful. If I choose to be interested in that person and ask how to help them, it will benefit not only to them but also to me, because I know how to provide the service they need. 

If all fails and your service was not enough or did not go according to plan….. 

If you made that commitment to be of service, then a small setback wouldn't discourage you in any way you're going to figure out a new way to go about it. So let’s say you were able to help, but that didn't land right. You may say let me try it again. And you might say something to someone if you've said something to try to serve them or make them feel better and it didn't lamp fix it. Well, that didn't land as I thought, let me try that one more time.

My closing remarks 

Focused service is part of creating the ultimate life. Because the definition is the life of purpose, prosperity, and joy serving others with my divine gift. And the way that I describe it in my true statement or the statement of whom I want to be is, I conduct each action to help my fellow travelers, I look for opportunities to serve, that I do it with joy, that I assess if it worked or not, and that I rinse and repeat. From my own experience, I know that attitude and process move me every day closer to my ultimate Life.

Key Takeaways

Another thing that is important in terms of giving focused service is a commitment to doing that. It's a commitment to staying outside of yourself. This is a practice you have to do on purpose. And it's something that takes some work. But then again, we're talking about creating the ultimate life of purpose and prosperity. We enjoy serving others with your divine gifts.   - Kellan Fluckiger 

 Focus service to others requires that I commit. It requires that I assess to serve them. Ask these questions, did I do the right thing to do? In the final analysis, Did it bring joy? Did it matter in the sense of creating happiness and more lightness and love in the situation? Did I do something worthwhile?   - Kellan Fluckiger 

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