Episode 84 - Your Prosperity

Published: June 26, 2020, 4:44 p.m.

“I have been where I was not sure if I was going to be able to pay rent money in a few days or a week. I was where I barely had enough to eat. And I certainly never went out to eat, and I barely could get, ramen noodles and cheap stuff to live on. I guess probably everyone has. My happiness did not equate to that situation. So I didn't feel unhappy because I was scrambling for cash. They're not tied together even though we have this myth that they are. So the first thing to do is since one of the key three things is purpose, prosperity, and joy. To understand, we have to know what you mean by prosperity.” - Kellan Fluckiger 


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What you are about to learn

What is prosperity? For some, they consider or think of this as Cash or Money. I am not saying that this is wrong because if you don’t have money, you’re not happy, you’re not satisfied, you’re miserable. I agree that this is one of the keys to prospering but, money alone can’t make you prosper. That is what we are going to talk about today.

Your life must have meaning - Yes, our lives must have sense. If we do have this, our lives are full. “ The meaning of something is the difference it makes if it makes no difference, it has no meaning,” as the saying goes. There's the meaning or the difference we make some people in the sense of prosperity look at status. Like, am I important to people who know who I am? Do I make a difference in my presence?

Real prosperity is in the one that we cultivate and nurture - The depth of prosperity is in the relationship you look after. If you watch it, take care of it, and love it, you create a framework. A stable connection. It will grow with abundance and vibrance. This is the same with the prosperity of the soul, the prosperity of heart, the kind of prosperity that we need for living that makes our lives complete with abundance and joy. That is if you really want to live with pure happiness and contentment in life.

Now, this is a question for you. Where are you in your prosperity index? Where are you in creating a life with prosperity that you want? We are looking for the “value,” you must identify how to create value, and then moving through that is the way to solve that problem. Then, you need to find the meaning of your life, are you satisfied with your life's purpose? And if you go back to the definition, the meaning of something is the difference it makes? Are you satisfied at this moment, with the difference that your life is making for those around you? Because you love this work? You must know where and what you wanted to be. How will you give value, meaning not only to yourself but to others? If the status is the metrics of your prosperity, where are you on that?

After you look and categorize, evaluate each from your meaning up to your needs. The next step is to create an ACTION PLAN. Of course, we cannot do everything all at once. It takes time to cultivate each. Take it slow, don’t hurry. That is the purpose of planning: to list down all of your action plans, and you take action one by one. You put them into action and make sure that everything on your list is done correctly. Use a result equation as a process to make that happen and get what you need.


Key Takeaways

 “If the pieces that make up your prosperity are not where you want them to be, then pick one, then create a plan to work on. If you need help creating a plan that you can stick to,  use the results equation as a process to make that goal happen, and get the help you need.”


“Where are you? Do you have rich and deep relationships that you regularly relate to and nurture that you spend time on? Is that someplace that you want to get to work and make some changes? Then what's the next step? Well, the next step would be to create an action plan. We can't do everything at once and nor should we try that tends to be overwhelming discouraging and frustrating because we can't move all the rocks up the hill at the same time.”



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