Episode 83 - Your Ultimate Life Purpose

Published: June 25, 2020, 2 p.m.

“Embracing the entire process of discovering your purpose. It's a beautiful thing, and it's a thing of action, and fulfillment, start, feel, adjust, enjoy, embrace. Those are the words that I use to help with the construct of discovering pinpointing declaring a life purpose. So the Ultimate Life your ultimate life, a life of what purpose, prosperity, and joy created by serving others with your divine gifts.” - Kellan Fluckiger


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What you are about to learn

Finding purpose - What is the purpose there's a massive movement, especially in the self-help people, and they use a word that I have come to dread. And that is the word clarity. Clarity is a stumbling block in the self-help business. Because people often don't take action because they feel like they don't have clarity. And so clarity becomes an excuse. And it becomes a stumbling block or a reason not to act in moving toward a life a fulfilling and meaningful life. How to find your purpose? Please make a list, think of your purpose to your self and, most importantly, to others, whether it is to your friend, family, neighbor, or whomever you think of.

Who's purpose is it?  So what I mean by this is, if you think of a purpose. Ask your self if that is yours. If that is your purpose. Ask yourself “Think purpose that I am listing, is this my goal, my purpose?,” “This one that I am doing, is this my purpose?” You must figure out and must come with an answer to set your goal. Because listing, as my number one in this topic, will make no sense if all the purpose you took down is NOT YOURS. The main point is whether you copy that list from someone else’s, probably you think that it is an ideal goal for you too. But, MAKE SURE YOU WILL OWN IT, and you will stand for it because it is yours.

Creation is done by action - So First, find your purpose. How? Please make a list, think of a purpose, and list it, enumerate. Second, ask. “Is this my purpose?” “Is this who I am?,” “Is this mine, and not someone else’s?,” or “Okay, this is someone else’s I copied it because it looks like it could be better for me too. But, am I able to accept it, stand for it, and own it?”. Finally, you have decided. You’ve already put all things together, and now what is the final step? You do it. Put everything into action and think again does this reinforce the sense that this is whom I want to be, is this the purpose of life that I have? If it doesn’t adjust it. There’s always room for improvement.


Key Takeaways

“I want you to do is to get a piece of paper, your journal, or get your phone out and write down five things that you want people to say about you. When they describe you,  this is like they would be describing you to someone else, not to you. And I want you to think about it carefully and put five things down that represent what you want people to say about you, which are consistent with whom you want to be. Like, this is what you want them to say.”


“Clarity is overrated. It is not founded is created. Now, the creation comes by action. You're either going to be more clear or less clear about your direction. You're going to be able to either see more or see less. If it's worse than you know, it's not a good direction. If it's better than you know, you're moving in the right direction.”



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