Episode 79 - Seasons of Life

Published: June 21, 2020, 2 p.m.

“Knowing the season, when it's most effective to do things is really important if you're going to move something forward. So if you're creating your ultimate life of purpose, prosperity, and joy, using your gifts and talents, serving others, knowing when to do things is key, and that comes from taking stock.” - Kellan Fluckiger 


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What you are about to learn

You can't do everything at once in building a business as a coach, and this is an online business, and there are lots of people now that are trying to build an online business. Maybe they want to sell particular expertise, or perhaps they want to be a consultant, or maybe they want to sell gardening advice, or maybe they want to sell medical advice, or maybe they want to do anything. That's all great. And because of COVID, lots more people would like to work from home this is the “new normal” that everybody is trying to adapt, I think the traffic zoom, which is one of the heavily used online conferencing platforms went up by fivefold. And that was scary and hard for them. And they've had some challenges because of it because they weren't ready. Anyway, the question is how we will move on and follow this new season of life.

So I changed to moving into this coaching realm, where I said, “Okay, I'm going to help people do things.” Now I see lots of people, countless numbers of people who sell what I call boxes, how to use Facebook, how to use it, and how to use all the different tools online, and that's nice. And then, I helped people with marketing their business, and I used it the same real money video pro because I knew that video was the secret to significant conversions. And this made me overwhelmed. Because of the change, which was so abrupt, I didn’t have the chance to adapt quickly. So what I thought of doing it, do it in sequence. 

You have to decide what the goal is that you're trying to get. This goes back to things that I've talked about before, do what by when. So if I want to have a business that's making money or selling products, and I want to have that in six months, then I have to establish all of the milestones things. 

I created a step map, which was a sequential activity of what to do first. It was an immense relief to sequence and to put it all sort of in linear order and say, Okay, I can lunch this thing by that day. If I stick to this particular schedule, and I made sure everything was on it. It was possible because I knew my end goal. 

So there's nothing wrong with sequencing, it's a sign of intelligence. You're making a conscious, intelligent decision about the order and the timing. And then you can line them all up in the right order and eventually get to your goal. Whatever it is, the pieces you need to put in place so that you have your ultimate life purpose, prosperity, and joy. 

After putting everything into place, now you set up your contentment on the journey. Contentment, the real feeling of peace, satisfaction, accomplishment, value impact, pick your right word is in the journey. In other words, having taken every step, looked in the face of every challenge, not given up in the face of every obstacle, and been willing to do whatever was necessary to get from the top of the run to the bottom, or to get from where you stand today, to the place where you have, for the most part, the ultimate life you're trying to create. 


Key Takeaways

So if you can't do everything at once and you decide you're going to sequence stuff, meaning do some of it now and do some of it later. Creating your overall endpoint, your overall goal. So if you're working on a piece of your ultimate life, which may include a way to create money, or it may include finishing a course or working on a particular thing that will free you up to do something, creating a precise schedule and moving on things out of the way is a key to getting that done without frustration.

And frustration, of course, leads to discouragement and then quitting. And so building your ultimate Life is a journey was certainly was for me to get where I am today. It didn't happen overnight. And I didn't do everything all at once. I learned it the hard way I tried. And it ended up being so frustrating because things were moving forward, but they were so slow, that it was continually a struggle to keep moving. 

It's a continuing journey that never truly ends. But the point third I want to make there is that the contentment is in the journey. So take heart The journey is the joy. It is a fun sequencing required. It's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of smarts. And the fact that you can't do everything at once is by design. So just jump right in, figure out a good sequencing plan. Take some courage and take some time to calculate what you want to do. The destination you want to arrive at and begin today, moving from where you are one step closer to your ultimate life.


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You can find out more about Kellan and how he can help you achieve your ultimate life by checking out his website.

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