Episode 250 - Merry Christmas

Published: Dec. 28, 2020, 3 p.m.

In this episode, Kellan talks about holidays – what, why, and how they’re celebrated. Holidays are often celebrated by giving things.

Kellan reminds us that service and love are centred around giving, and that in celebrating holidays with giving, we are doing so in love. We’re reminded about the meaning of Christmas and the winter solstice, representing the light during the darkest time of the year.

With the pandemic still raging on, we’re coming out of a winter of fear. Kellan tells us that we’re going to get through it – we’ve been through wars and pandemics in the past, and we can control our own outcomes despite the events that happen around us.

Kellan challenges us to add light into our lives by doing good, being good, and adding good to the world. If you do that, you will have Your Ultimate Life.


Key Takeaways:

  •  “Giving things is a symbol of love, kindness, good memories, and cherishing each other.”
  •  “Love is the driver for everything that we do.”
  •  “Service and love are centred around giving.”
  •  “Every time there’s an emergency, we can be beat down by the emergency or we can emerge from the emergency stronger, more unified, powerful, loving, and prepared. What we do is up to us.”
  •  “Love is a choice that we make to choose our hearts, will, and free agency in the highest and best service of those around us.”


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Facebook: www.facebook.com/kellan.fluckiger3

YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/ultimatelifeformula

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellan.fluckiger/

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/kellanfluckiger

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/kellanfluckiger


You can find out more about Kellan and how he can help you achieve your ultimate life by checking out his website: 


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