SYPM 012: From fear-filled conflict to parenting as a team

Published: April 25, 2021, 1 p.m.



"You\'re doing it wrong!\\xa0 You\'re not asking for consent before changing the diaper!"

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In this Sharing Your Parenting Mojo episode we meet parent Nicole, who has core values related to being empathic, constantly learning, and upholding justice in the world.\\xa0 These awesome values came together in a difficult way when Nicole became a parent: she had a deep fear of not getting parenting right, so she was constantly reading and trying to find that one piece of information that would close the gap between her struggles and the kind of parent she wanted to be.
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The stress of parenting an infant brought out a controlling side of her where she attempted to script every aspect of her (and her husband\'s) interactions with her child, thinking they had already screwed up parenting because he hadn\'t asked their child\'s consent before changing her diaper.
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Nicole was raised by a single parent who had had a traumatic upbringing, and Nicole grew up sometimes feeling scared by her mother\'s oversized reactions to normal childhood behavior.\\xa0 She knew she wanted more for her children - but didn\'t know what to do.\\xa0 Over the last year she\'s been working on \'reparenting\' herself so she doesn\'t have to parent from a place of fear any more, and can relax into understanding her children\'s feelings - and her own and her partner\'s feelings as well.
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Setting Loving (& Effective!) Limits Workshop

Do you have a child aged 1 - 10? Are they resisting, ignoring you, and talking back at every request you make? Do you often feel frustrated, annoyed, and even angry with them? Are you desperate for their cooperation - but don\'t know how to get it? If your children are constantly testing limits, the Setting Loving (& Effective!) Limits workshop is for you.
Go from constant struggles and nagging to a new sense of calm & collaboration. I will teach you how to set limits, but we\'ll also go waaaay beyond that to learn how to set fewer limits than you ever thought possible. Sign up now to join the waitlist for the FREE workshop that will start on April 24, 2024. Click the banner to learn more:
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Jump to highlights:

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  • (03:19) Nicole\'s background
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  • (04:36) Nicole\'s parenting beliefs and values
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  • (06:31) Teaching respect by giving respect
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  • (08:07) Fear and anxiety of not getting parenting right
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  • (09:32) How inter generational trauma show up in your family
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  • (11:37) The unexpected reparenting piece
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  • (13:35) How talking about death with children led Nicole to my work
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  • (15:13) Nicole\'s...'