The Secret to Transitioning from Lawyer to Entrepreneur

Published: March 17, 2017, 11:30 a.m.

Like every lawyer, I did the service work. I enjoyed making a difference in my clients' lives; it's one of the reasons why I took the bar exam. But, for all the great clients, some drove me nuts. Some lawyers have the superpower to channel the aggravating moments into energy. Others---myself included---reach a point of wanting out. We discover new fulfillment in creating a business greater than ourselves. For a long time, I did both. Eventually, I learned I was happier being the back-office guy. However, as much as I wanted out, my transition from working IN to ON the business was rough. Someone was always looking for guidance. Clients demanded my representation. The sticky situations seemed to catch me like a flytrap. It wasn't until I'd gone through my overextended, uneven transition that I learned what could have done better. It should not have been difficult, and it certainly doesn't need to be for you. Press play and learn how to make a smarter transition than I endured.