Simplify Your Firm with 11 Quick Actions

Published: Aug. 4, 2017, 11:30 a.m.

Not long after I stepped into the fray as a solo, I had a conversation with a much more tenured lawyer. We stood outside the county courthouse and I watched a stream of people come and go from his newly renovated firm across the square. Where I saw model-worthy success, he expressed fatigue. With a tone that sounded, to my young ears, like ironic defeatism, he said, "If had it to do over again, I'd work out of my briefcase. I would have just done it all by myself." What I couldn't comprehend at the time was the nature of complexity. It happens incrementally, stealthily, like weight gain or relationship disintegration. We naively try to solve problems by layering services on top of old habits and procedures. We create the illusion of simplicity without tackling the underlying complexity we seek to eliminate. Complexity burdens us. It hinders our ability to succeed and will exhaust us. Before you reach the point of calling it quits, you need to simplify. These 11 tips will reset your path to unfettered success.