Podcast: Stories Turbocharge Your Marketing

Published: Jan. 3, 2019, 12:30 p.m.

Most lawyers market their practices the same way taxi drivers at foreign airports market their taxis. We shout out loud - we scream “Jones Law Firm, The Criminal Defense Experts” or whatever. When business gets slow, we scream it louder and more often. When the yellow pages stopped working, we started screaming on radio and TV. Then we yelled in our online ads. Then we tried YouTube, and Facebook, and Snapchat. Long-term we’re fighting a losing battle with the screaming. The costs keep going up. The challenge of finding and adapting to the next new marketing venue becomes more difficult. The competition makes the quest an endless struggle because we’re always hunting for the new, new thing. There must be a better way. And, there is - it’s found in the power of stories to impact the way people think about you, what you do, how you do it, and how it might be helpful to them. Stories back an emotional punch that makes screaming sound like something for babies and toddlers — not successful, impactful, proud lawyers.