Podcast: Are Your Default Settings Setting You Back?

Published: Dec. 29, 2016, 12:30 p.m.

I spent a day and a half migrating data, organizing content, testing new features, and changing settings on gadgets. I probably wasted more time than I needed to, but I enjoy the process. We can either take the path of least resistance (and save a day or two) and leave the default settings alone, or we can dig in and tweak them to suit our goals. Most of us leave the defaults alone. Defaults go beyond tech, though. We subconsciously "make decisions" like attending college, having a house and kids, or investing because they're the defaults of life. We don't make many decisions in our businesses either; we do what we do because it's what lawyers do. Raise your consciousness and ask yourself, did I make these choices, or were they the fallback default? Not all defaults are bad. Some save time and resources. But the law firms that are outperforming their competition are tweaking the defaults. Which type of law firm are you running? Listen in Browser | Download MP3 | Subscribe in iTunes