How Tight Constraints Stimulate Practice Growth

Published: June 16, 2017, 11:30 a.m.

From childhood rules to syllable-confined haikus, life is full of constraints. Instinctively, we rebel against them. In my transition to nomadic life, I felt trapped by the tiny space of a carry-on. In court, time limits feel like detriments. In our law firms, revenue restricts our ambitious plans. Eventually, I learned that constraints are only as limiting as you perceive them. They force thoughtful consideration and creativity that will help you more than set you back. In this episode, I'm going to convince you to set constraints on yourself, your associates, and your business. You will become more efficient. You will have better relationships with your team and clients. Your firm will enjoy greater success. Constraints are the key to achieving results. Empower yourself to do better.