Your Iconic Image : Merging Your Personal & Professional Brand

Published: April 28, 2021, 1 p.m.


Rafat Fields is an international executive leader brand strategist and values-based sales performance coach for Fortune 100 companies.\\xa0Leveraging her branding expertise, and almost two decades of experience generating 7-figure sales revenue, Rafat connects C-Suite executives to their consumers to generate long-term loyalty.

Founder of Powered to Rise Consulting, Rafat helps management align company, customer, and employee core values to grow sustainable results.

A National Academy of Sports Medicine CPT and USA Olympic Weightlifter, she applies her athletic discipline to coaching emerging leaders.

Through personalized coaching, workshops, and immersive strategy sessions, Rafat empowers corporate professionals to convert their relationships to revenue.

Your personal brand is who you are.\\xa0It is a physical representation of the values and the things you believe in.\\xa0The day to day of your life represented outwardly to the world. A corporate brand is far more about the company or the product. \\xa0

Just like every company has a mission statement, a vision statement, a set of core values\\u2026so should every human being.

You really want to have clear definition between the two and where they overlap.

When we are in alignment with our values, we do our best work.

When you are out of alignment\\u2026you are going to have to work much harder at having\\u2026productive relationships.

At the core root of it all, I think it\\u2019s about living a shared story.

The best thing to do is to figure out what is the separation of each person\\u2019s unique mission and how can you blend it together to tell a cohesive story.

I think that every person should be building their own brand and here\\u2019s why\\u2026influence is really the new currency\\u2026to the degree that you have your own platform is the degree that you will be able to generate and create your own influence.

Influence is a two way currency.\\xa0It helps advance your initiatives and purposes but it\\u2019s also a valuable asset to the company you work for when you find a way to share a story together.

In the case of a solopreneur, it\\u2019s so much simpler. You are the brand.\\xa0Live your brand. \\xa0

So many people think personal brand strategy is about creating something that doesn\\u2019t exist when really its about getting to the root of what makes you, you, what makes you go and bringing that to the surface for the world to see.

Until you break through that wall and become known, you should be the face of the brand. People connect best with people.\\xa0Not products.\\xa0Not things.

If you lead with\\u2026the person you serve and start with the why, that\\u2019s going to be the simplest entry point.

99% of the time, it\\u2019s a human connection point that really advances the relationship.

I would not be looking to flip and switch and make the cut in 60 days.\\xa0A year\\u2026two\\u2026might be best case when look at leadership transition models. \\xa0

The question is\\ much preparation does your audience need?

Champion the customer.\\xa0Get deep into the details of what does it take to affect change and transformation in your customer\\u2019s life?

The thing that you do or the product that you sell is a small component of the process. \\xa0

When it comes to points of vulnerability it\\u2019s how closely connected do you want your customer to be with you?\\xa0

You can build customer relationships without vulnerability, but\\u2026you are not doing your customer the best service because you\\u2019re limiting the depth of your relationship. \\xa0

We can leverage it by\\u2026.what are the unique challenges in your business that you are well positioned to serve?

A hip pocket skill.\\xa0

It starts with deeply understanding what that problem is going to be and then it\\u2019s about cultivating the relationships and building that wealth of knowledge and getting it out into the industry in your own voice so that that build a sphere of influence around you. \\xa0

When you are sharing information out into the industry, also remember\\u2026what is the lens of your company.

Your personal brand is not about you.\\xa0It\\u2019s what you can do for them.

It\\u2019s facilitating relationships that are two way.

Customers have done roughly 60% of their research online before they ever reach out\\u2026when a customer is entering a consideration period, what are they going to find?

People are moving away from investing in a company brand.\\xa0They connect so much better with a person.\\xa0So CEOs that have active and robust social media profiles, you can see a correlation in the data between their sales revenue and growth. \\xa0

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson

Once you start looking intentionally, you\\u2019ll start finding clues.\\xa0The things people come to you for over and over again are one of your areas of strength.

Where are the places in your day where the work doesn\\u2019t feel like work?

Where can you be an aspirin in their day?

Please show your flaws!

Gary V\\u2026unapologetically him at all times.

If you\\u2019re looking to sell a product good or service, it\\u2019s a commerce driven business model\\u2026\\xa0Speak to the one\\u2026.I\\u2019m going to bring you on the journey\\u2026still speaking to the One but far broader context\\u2026more building a following.

It\\u2019s far faster to monetize a personal brand that points to a product, good or service.


You have a personal brand whether you want to acknowledge it or not.\\xa0The only question is, are you being intentional about telling your own story or are you allowing others to tell it for you?

Even in high school\\u2026if you have a social media account\\u2026you are running a media company\\ think carefully about what you\\u2019re showing to the world.\\xa0

Own your story.\\xa0Hold the red pen.\\xa0Edit ruthlessly and don\\u2019t be afraid of adding in recent plot twists.
