The 3 Most Common Mistakes First Home Buyers Make

Published: Jan. 12, 2021, 9 p.m.


No one is infallible. As much as we want everything to be perfect, we all make mistakes here and there. But in the property industry, making even just a single one can be a costly, million-dollar blunder!


Don’t want to have that tiny wrinkle in an otherwise smooth property journey? Hop on in.


In today’s episode, we share three of the most common—and deadly—mistakes that first-time buyers commit when getting their first homes. Get ready with your pen and paper as we discuss a lot of gold to help you masterfully dodge those crucial errors along the way.


Interested to know more? Tune in now!




Episode Highlights:

  1. Mistake #1: Taking advice from the wrong people [02:24]
  2. \\n
    1. Handling advice from well-meaning parents [02:45]
    2. \\n
    3. Dealing with alpha dads [06:16]
    4. \\n
    5. Why you shouldn’t (always) listen to your friends [09:11] 
    6. \\n
    7. Choosing the right broker to walk you through [13:07]
    8. \\n
    9. Being on the lookout for property spruikers [17:59]
    10. \\n
  3. Mistake #2: Using grants without knowing the risks [20:58]
  4. \\n
    1. Putting your future buyer in the picture [22:18]
    2. \\n
    3. The settlement risks posed by an uncertain market [25:05]
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  5. Mistake #3: Buying without a long-term view [29:15]
  6. \\n
    1. The disadvantages of planning too much [34:34]
    2. \\n



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