Job Seeking? Time for a tough love talk on going direct to decision makers

Published: July 4, 2020, 3:50 a.m.

Looking for a job using LinkedIn and following the standard advice about how liking, sharing and commenting will put you on the radar of recruiters and employers. There's so much of this out there.
It's great to network and support each other - and you can definitely follow up that with a connection request.

But here's the thing - and it's what most LinkedIn coaches won't tell you.

It's super easy to think you're making progress towards a job, when in reality you can be sucked into time-wasting on the platform.

Today we're tough love talking on this, bringing you the wisdom of Melanie Colling - Empowering Leaders through Connection.

Melanie a collaboration expert and Founder of Experts on Air.

We're discussing ways you can really stand out and go direct to decision-makers.
Master this skill. Cut down the time you spend on LinkedIn and amp up the efficiency of your job search.