Your One Word

Published: March 10, 2023, midnight


In this week\\u2019s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, and Chief Joy Officer, Faith Guy, discuss why their family chose one word for the year, and how focusing on an attribute or characteristic for the year can benefit you.

\\u2022 How to keep your word front and center: put visuals on your devices and vision board, tell others in your community, and make it a part of your identity.
\\u2022 Sometimes you don\\u2019t know for months how your word will affect you, but you will get it.
\\u2022 To come up with a word, ask yourself \\u201cWhat are my goals telling me about what my year is going to look like?\\u201d
\\u2022 Your perspective on life can change with every word you choose.
\\u2022 Having a word for the year helps to hold you accountable.

"I want my fire to be so bright, that it ignites all of you."
