In The Zone

Published: April 25, 2023, noon


In this week\\u2019s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, shares how to identify an ideal job role for a person based on their behaviors, and how to know when you are \\u201cin the zone.\\u201d He also shows how to create an ideal work role and how to work toward that role.

- To engage your team, assess the following:
\\xa0 \\xa0 \\u2022 Job Fit: What will you do, and will you do it well for long periods of time?
\\xa0 \\xa0 \\u2022 Manager: Get the right person in the right seat.
\\xa0 \\xa0 \\u2022 Team: It\\u2019s not that you have the wrong team; it may be that your team doesn\\u2019t know what they have.
\\xa0 \\xa0 \\u2022 Culture: Make sure that both the employees and managers fit your culture.
- There is a difference between \\u201ccan\\u201d and \\u201cwill.\\u201d
- When you don\\u2019t have to behave any differently then what comes natural to you, it will take less effort, and you\\u2019ll be more engaged.
- Does your talent align with your business strategy to achieve the business results that you want? It doesn\\u2019t always mean adding to your team.
- If you are interviewing for a job, you should be asking what the behavioral requirements are for the job.
- When you have someone who is \\u201cin the zone\\u201d, they\\u2019ll be more engaged, productive and efficient.

- \\u201cIt\\u2019s not always that you\\u2019re on the wrong team, it\\u2019s maybe that the team doesn\\u2019t know what they have.\\u201d
- \\u201cWhen you don\\u2019t have to behave any different then what comes natural to you, it will take less effort and you\\u2019ll be more engaged.\\u201d
- \\u201cDoes my talent align with my business strategy to get me the business results that I want?\\u201d
