Sustainability Action Heroes 3 - Kim Klassen

Published: April 11, 2016, 6 p.m.

Idle. Webster’s defines it as being not active, as well as being without purpose. Many folks could well say that being idle is one of the leading causes of the climate change challenge we all face together. Whether it’s  governments failing to take action fast enough, corporations not stepping up to improve their environmental game, or just everyday people sitting idle, not being active, or finding their purpose on how they can assist in the efforts.

Most all of us have ideas, big or small on what could be done to help protect the air we breathe, water we drink, land we live on and plants, animals and humans we live with, but few of us actually find our purpose and take action.

Kim Klassen is not among that group. This week’s Sustainability Action Hero has identified one purpose that she has gotten active on, and has taken her idea and put it into action. Not sitting idle on the issue of idling cars and trucks in Rossland, Kim has already achieved success on the first steps of her current purpose with more to come. Here what she’s up to, how she’s taken her ideas and put them into action and how you can too.