Ep. 54 - How to launch your own TV show with Shane Hainsworth and Jenna Raider

Published: Sept. 12, 2015, 12:09 a.m.

Have you ever wanted to start your own show? Sure at various time throughout our lives whether it was child hood dreaming, sitting back with a beer at the pub or chatting with friends we've all had great ideas for the next TV hit. Of course those dreams were near impossible unless you happened to have your own TV production company and studio, or were able to convince someone who did to make your show. With the advent of high quality inexpensive video and audio recording technology in concert with the proliferation of broadband internet, that dream of making and perhaps starring in your own show is now a reality. Whereas in the past you needed huge resources to back up your big idea, today all it requires is the passion and energy, along with some skill in operating the technology, and you too can be a TV star.

Shane Hainsworth, and Jenna Raider have been dabbling in the arts and tech world their whole life. Three years , and a major evolution in technology after their first attempt at a live broadcast show, it was indeed a beer at the pub that spurred the launch of their new live broadcast show, that is about to hit the airwaves in a big way