Tim Weber updates $AMPY and talks the double dogs

Published: March 21, 2022, noon


Tim Weber, a private investor, returns to the podcast to provide an update on the $AMPY thesis and then discuss his double dog index, why it's been crushing the market so far this year, and his outlook for the dogs from here.

Twebs double dog post: https://twebs.substack.com/p/introducing-the-double-dog-index?r=f389n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&s=r

Note that there was a slight delay on Tim's end with the audio; I don't think it's a huge issue but wanted to assure you you are not going crazy if you hear a slight delay!

0:00 Intro
1:55 AMPY Update
12:15 AMPY going forward
19:15 The potential Eagle Ford sale and what it means of AMPY's PV-10
24:05 AMPY's "generalist risk"
26:45 Beta's California risk
30:30 AMPY closing thoughts
33:50 Discussing the double dogs index
36:30 The United Steel (X) example
42:10 What double dogs does Tim think are most attractive right now?
47:20 Does the rush into the commodity space worry Tim?
51:00 Should we be looking at broken growth instead of deep value right now?
