S01E04: Drag Race Holland GeOuweHoer (OverWhored) “Dancing Queens”

Published: Oct. 9, 2020, 4:54 p.m.

Today we have an amazing guest: last week's sashay, MEGAN SCHOONBROOD! Learn some fascinating details about her life before and after Drag Race. Hint: It may involve seamen.Fashion Sloerie (Insta: @FashionSloerie) and Madge Weinstein (Insta: @MadgeWeinstein, Twitter: @bloatedlesbian) discuss the fourth episode of season one as we watch in real time. Please send feedback to us via Insta(@OverWhored), Twitter (@OverWhored), Email(bloatedlesbian@gmail.com), or you can even leave a voice mail at +1 FIRM UTERUS (yes, that’s a real number). Please review us on Apple Podcasts if you loved the show!