Why should companies hire you in this crisis?

Published: May 17, 2020, 8:31 p.m.

b'I was talking to a friend and understood that there are people who are on leave without pay due to Corona!\\n\\nMost of them have no savings, no other source of income & worst part is, they are the sole bread earners of the family!\\n\\nCorona problem is not going to stay forever. \\n\\nThings will be under control soon but what are you doing to avoid such shocks in your life?\\n\\nCorona is a short term problem for most of us...\\n\\nYou not building your vital \\U0001f511 21st century skills is a long term problem!\\n\\nRelying on your company or govt to solve your financial situation is a long term problem...\\n\\nIt is time to wake up and realise that it is a high time to build multiple skills and income\\nMakes sense?\\n\\n \\u201c80%Mindset 20% skill set".\\n\\nThis is the the time to learn from home and grow.\\n\\nLet me tell you whenever we have problem we have multiple opportunity. \\nIf you worry about for your JOB think about the employer who had is vision and dream in it. \\n\\nThe way your looking or seeking for right JOB employers also seeking and looking for right minded and right skill set people. \\n\\nThe question is are you the one?. \\n\\nRight now we have lot of opportunity in the following industry! \\n\\n* Knowledge industry\\n* Bio technology and pharmacy\\n* Home delivery service ( Amezon hired 1000 of people already) they do more\\n* Government and non profit organization sector, ( public relations officer, public communication officer, project manager Media and bill gates foundation) \\n* Grocery online shopping\\n* E commerce\\n* Data analytics\\n* Android application development ( Google and apple or finding the IOS and Android app which can detect the virus) Immunity system Dictator\\n* Digital marketing\\n* Content writing\\nEtc. \\n\\nGetting JOB is easy if you have this skills \\n\\n* Hard skills important but Soft skill is more important than hard skills. \\n\\n* Professional skills. \\n\\nLet\'s discuss\\n\\nWhich are the most important 5 soft skill you must have\\n\\n* Composure you must be calm no stress anxiety, medidatte lot. \\n\\n* Resonance\\nUnderstanding personality. \\n\\n* Visionary\\n\\n* Practical wisdom\\n\\n* Humility. \\nDon\'t over sell, don\'t be doubt full. Be good enough to work with new creativity and team. www.interviewcracker.com'