Speak like a pro on stage

Published: May 10, 2020, 5:04 a.m.

b"Speak like a pro on stage. \\n\\nThe second biggest fear is public speaking after the death. \\n\\nBut you know what, you can overcome this fear of public speaking. \\n\\nFollow this simple and easy steps. \\n\\n#1. Before choosing your topic study your audience, to whom your going to deliver the speech, mainly their locality, language, age group, need and requirements of the audience. Knowing audience is the best way to prepare and deliver the speech. \\n\\n#2. Organize your speech or topic, I have observed one thing about the successful public speaker is they always have the structure topic step by step what they need present and how they need to present, make sure to start with point which connects to one after the another point and follow the flow of speech. \\n\\n#3. Cheer up the audience. \\nOnce your on the stage don't just rush to start the topic and finish it fast. Just chill relax and cheer up the audience the first 7 to 30 seconds on the stage engage the audience, relax, be enthusiastic and be exited which creates the curiosity in audience and you can get the audience attention. \\n\\n#4.Body language. \\nYour body language plays very important role in public speaking or on stage, you can't just do whatever you feel like. Dress up professionally, be calm, smile, look confident, look at your audience have eye contact, be comfortable with your own style, stand in appropriate potion. \\n\\n#5. Always follow the tonality, \\nHave control on your tonality, which creates massive impact in your speech. We all heard one proverb saying. It's not what you say. It's always how you say, before going to speech practice with tonality multiple times until you feel comfortable in the speech, practice makes man perfect practice and deliver. Make sure to drink enough water and take some good nutrition food before you hit the stage so you will have enough energy and you will not drain out. \\n\\n#6.Do not get distracted with the audience question. \\nSometimes some people just ask questions which is not even related to the topic which your talking, some people ask the question just like that do not get distracted with it. Just say them whatever the question you have make note of it you can ask me in the end. By end your speech that person already got the answer if still not getting explain in brief at the end. That's it.... All the very best for your next speech. See you in next content. \\n\\nwww.interviewcracker.com"