Xendependently Minded #11 Lil Nas X Cancelled? | Myanmar | Mexico & Covid | Mafioso Cooking Channels

Published: March 30, 2021, 1:03 p.m.

b"On the very first episode of Xendependent News, I discuss what is going on in Myanmar, react to Dav Pilkey's book being pulled for racism, Lil Nas X and cancel culture, Mafioso Marc Feren Claude Biart getting caught through a YouTube cooking video, and Mexico under-reporting corona virus related deaths.\\xa0\\nA few topics that I also rant and share my HUMBLE opinions on are daily retail shopping jerks, Late Night/Daily Shows, and California FINALLY reopening businesses.\\xa0\\nMyanmar\\n-https://archive.ph/tpn1y\\n-https://archive.ph/BAqQn\\n\\nDav Pilkey supports pulling of his Ook and Gluk book because of racism\\n-https://archive.ph/FfgHA\\n\\nMarc Feren Claude Biart\\nhttps://archive.ph/sDUwH\\n\\nMedical Xpress: Mexico reports COVID-linked deaths 69% higher than originally reported\\nhttps://archive.ph/0OdXo\\n\\nKinderszenen (Scenes From Childhood), OP 15, No. 7 Traumerie\\nhttps://youtu.be/jnB51JbW2VQ\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/xendependentlyminded/message"