Episode 52- A Boy With A Feather (Super J-Cup '94 w/ Alex Navarro)

Published: Dec. 20, 2018, 5 a.m.

b"CONTENT WARNING: We talk about Chris Benoit in this. Not in a graphic way, but if you understandably don't wish to think about or engage with the wrestling career of Famous Family Murderer Chris Benoit, this is an episode to skip. \\n\\nHappy Winter Break Splania fans! Giant Bomb\\u2019s own Alex Navarro joins Rachel and Kath this week to talk about a night of wrestling canonized by tape trading but mired in later tragedy. It\\u2019s our Super J-Cup \\u201994 episode. Why is this tournament so important? How can fans watch today while also grappling with the legacies of Hayabusa, Eddie Guerrero, and tournament winner Chris Benoit? How does the producer who writes these descriptions transition into listing some of the funny, not-at-all-tragic stuff that actually makes up most of the episode? (Like the fake wrestlers in WCW video games, or wild spotfests, or young Gedo\\u2019s pajamas, or how much it absolutely rules that Ricky Fuji just blatantly dressed up as Shawn Michaels and that was his thing.) The answers to the first two questions are in the episode. (The answer to the third question is: cheating.)\\nMaterials discussed include:\\nSuper J-Cup 1994, New Japan Pro Wrestling, 4/16/94 at Sumo Hall (All Matches)"