Episode 36 - Bigger, Wetter, Tanner (PAC/Neville)

Published: Aug. 30, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

b'When Kath and Rachel recorded this episode a few weeks ago, their righteous fury over what WWE was doing to PAC was so powerful that they psychically forced WWE to release him from his contract! We\\u2019re like\\u2026 90% sure that\\u2019s what happened. Anyways, please enjoy this discussion of flips, muscles, dick outlines, and shitty corporate behavior.\\n\\nMaterial discussed includes: Pac vs El Generico at PWG All Star Weekend 2006, Pac vs Ricochet at Dragon Gate Infinity 2011, Adrian Neville vs Sami Zayn at NXT R-Evolution 2014.'